Chapter 781 Spiritual Qi Fruit 2
"Boss?" she said.

Nalan Yue was caught off guard and turned around to look at the back. The empty forest was cold and cold, but there was no one there!
Even some of the strange voices she heard before are gone, not at all. Could it be that she really heard it wrong?

"Boss, there's no one here!" Seeing her brows furrowed tightly, Murong Qing'er released her mental energy to look around, but she didn't find a living creature.

"Maybe I got it wrong." Nalan Yue nodded lightly, and looked around tightly again, but still got nothing.

In this way, she will no longer dig into the horns. After all, time is running out, and getting the spiritual energy fruit as soon as possible is the real business!

But did she really get it wrong...

After the two left, a burly and gloomy puppet appeared quietly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, Lan Xin'er followed closely behind, lightly flicking her hands holding the long veil, her eyes bursting with vicious light, like a wisp of will-o'-the-wisp, "I never thought that this little bitch would have such a strong sense of defense... huh , but so what!"

"The master said so." The puppet clucked, his voice was dry and piercing, like the rubbing sound of an ancient machine when it was turned on.

"Hey, go ahead and kill her!" Lan Xin'er smiled softly, that smile was so cold that it made people break out in a cold sweat!



Southwest, 45 degrees.

At this time, Nalan Yue and Murong Qing'er had arrived here, and a precipitous cliff lay before their eyes.

Clouds and mist are misty, strange mountains and rocks, and cliffs have no bottom. When the wind blows, the stones will fall to the bottom of the cliff, and even a shadow cannot be seen.

Murong Qing'er patted her chest, "Damn it, it's such a deep cliff!"

Nalan Yue glanced at her, seeing her small appearance at this time, couldn't help joking, "When did you become so timid?"

"No way!" Murong Qing'er retorted, making a grimace to change the subject, "Boss, where does the spiritual energy fruit grow?"

Nalan Yue pointed to the direction of the bottom of the cliff with her chin, but did not speak.

Murong Qing'er exclaimed, "Could it be below here? This thing really grows!"

"No." Nalan Yue shook her head, looked at the cliff lightly, her eyes narrowed tightly on the surrounding cliff walls, "the spiritual energy fruit grows near the cliff walls."

When Murong Qing'er heard this, she couldn't help but roll her eyes, "It might as well grow at the bottom of the cliff!" The four sides of the cliff are as smooth as a mirror, almost at ninety degrees, how to pick it off!
"Hurry up and find the spiritual energy fruit tree." Nalan Yue took a look at her, and then she took the lead in searching along the edge of the cliff, her eyes calm.

"Okay." Murong Qing'er nodded and followed.

Walking around the cliff, I didn't see the shadow of the spiritual energy fruit tree, no, I didn't even find a leaf!

Murong Qing'er took a deep breath and said helplessly, "Boss, no!"

Nalan Yue frowned, staring around, it was true, they had already circled here several times.

In addition to the empty cliffs and misty smoke, there is nothing else here!
However, the little god tree clearly said that the spiritual energy fruit tree grows here!
"Little God Tree, are you sure the spiritual energy fruit tree is here?" Nalan Yue couldn't help asking it in a low voice, wanting to make sure again.

"That's right... However, the spiritual energy fruit tree has its own protective color, so it's hard to find!" The soft voice of the little god tree came to his ears, and Nalan Yue nodded in understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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