Chapter 782 Spiritual Qi Fruit 3
"Can you feel its specific location?" Nalan Yue added.

The little god tree shook his head, his tone was rather helpless, "Master, the spiritual energy fruit tree not only has a protective color, but also has a shielding function. It is difficult to find if it wants to hide!"

Nalan Yue could only shrug her shoulders.

It seems that they didn't observe carefully, the protective color is that it will change according to the external environment, and eventually become the same color or a similar color, so as to escape people's eyes.

"Qing'er." Nalan Yue gestured towards her, and said, "Spiritual energy fruit has a protective color, so be careful when looking for it."

"Pfft!" Murong Qing'er complained, Dan Feng's eyes were flirtatiously flirtatious, "A broken tree is so arrogant, it's showing off its protective colors."


Girl, that is obviously a spiritual fruit tree, okay?It's worth ten thousand dollars!

The complaints were all complaints, but she still seriously searched for the spiritual energy fruit tree. The two searched again but still couldn't find it.

Originally, the spiritual energy fruit tree had a protective color, and the surrounding clouds and fog made the visibility very low, which made the search more difficult!
Nalan Yue stared down, thought for a moment and said, "I want to go down and have a look." Maybe the spiritual energy fruit is just below!

"Boss, let me go down!" Murong Qing'er stared into her eyes, after all, her own strength is now higher than that of the boss, so...

Nalan Yue shook her head persistently, and walked towards her with a slight smile, "Just go down and have a look, there won't be any danger."

"Then... alright." Murong Qing'er responded with great reluctance. She wanted to dissuade her but she didn't know where to say it. down.

Murong Qing'er was so stunned that she didn't know what to say, the corner of her mouth twitched, "Boss, you are fast enough!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Nalan Yue threw half of the rope to her, and tied the rope around himself, "I'll be back soon."

Then, under the gaze of Murong Qing'er, she moved nimbly and quickly climbed down like a cat.

Murong Qing'er had no choice but to stay on top, holding on to the rope, watching the surroundings vigilantly, to ensure the safety of the boss and her.



Slowly going down the cliff, Nalan Yue clings to the mirror-like cliff like a spider, and the surrounding cliffs are slippery, as if they were split open by someone.

While walking, Nalan Yue carefully searched for the spiritual energy fruit tree, not missing an inch. She looked extremely calm, as if the cliff under her feet was just a decoration.

Ordinary people would be scared to pee, but she walked smoothly, with no fear on her face.

From the left to the right, the huge cliff is like a vast ocean, and the spiritual fruit tree is the embroidery needle that fell into the bottom of the sea!

Hard to find!Nalan Yue couldn't help sighing, but her eyes were full of persistence, without giving up at all.

A long time passed, but nothing was found as before. Nalan Yue wanted to continue walking, but found that the rope on her body was shaking all the time.

Obviously... the wind here is not strong!
Nalan Yue frowned, and looked up, the thick fog covered her sight but it was enough to see the violent shaking of the hemp rope, like a swinging pendulum in mid-air.

It seems that this is definitely not caused by ordinary wind energy. If the possibility of wind is excluded, then...something must have happened above!

What about Qinger? !
(End of this chapter)

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