Chapter 785 Spiritual Qi Fruit 6
Does the boss have magical powers?Murong Qing'er eagerly grabbed her cuff, looking pitiful for an answer.

Faced with her flattery and coquettishness, Nalan Yue gradually disappeared even with a stomachache, and finally had no choice but to nod her forehead helplessly, "Did you forget that I have a space bracelet?"

As early as the moment she fell off the cliff, she ran into the space bracelet, but before she could stand still, she saw a certain stinky girl jumping down with injuries!

"But isn't that only the soul can enter? So...we are still dead?" Murong Qing'er knew about the space bracelet.

Nalan Yue was internally hurt by her logic, and the corners of her mouth twitched non-stop, "Damn you, the space bracelet has already been upgraded, and people can directly enter."

"Uh uh... I don't know either!" Murong Qing'er, who was murdered, rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

Seeing her like this, Nalan Yue couldn't help but tease, "Does what you said before count?"

"What?" Murong Qing'er replied subconsciously, and then thought of it belatedly, her cheeks couldn't help but blushed, especially when she looked at Nalan Yue's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

She... She actually yelled that she liked Feng Chu!

In front of the boss, she even said that she wanted to confess to him... Mama, it's really embarrassing, is there a hole in the ground, she wants to drill it!

"Be honest." Seeing her crawling under the quilt, Nalan Yue scooped her up, blinked at her narrowly, with an expression of "quickly admit it".

"Oh! Just confess your confession, what's so great about it!" Murong Qing'er, who became shy and angry, responded immediately, and her courage was exhausted at this moment, she lowered her head in embarrassment, her cheeks were like burning boards, she couldn't help touching her face But suddenly touched a layer of gauze.

Fuck!Her, what happened to her face?
"Boss, am I disfigured?" Murong Qing'er looked nervous, and even cried a little, "Oh my god, what should I do, he will definitely dislike me...I'm dead!"

Nalan Yue stood aside with her arms folded, she couldn't help being amused seeing her so excited, when will that lawless and reckless Qing'er care about her appearance?

Still crying and screaming not to live? !
"Woooo~ Don't disfigure the Lun family!" Murong Qing'er bit the corner of the quilt, and caressed the gauze on her face with a gloomy expression.

"Okay, I can't ruin your face with me!"

Nalan Yue walked over and slapped her hands away from the scar, giving her a big white eye.

Murong Qing'er immediately leaned over and rubbed against her like a small animal, "I knew Boss Yueyue was the best, come on, let's have one!"

"Nicky!" Nalan Yue pretended to get goosebumps, raised her hand and pushed away the soft lips in front of her eyes.

"Cut!" The disgusted Murong Qing'er stared at her indignantly, and boasted, "My girl's sweet kiss is not something that anyone can have if they want it!"

"...You can leave it to Fengchu!"

Immediately, Murong Qing'er was at a loss for words, and her face burned again, like a burning cloud in the sky.

Seeing this, Nalan Yue smiled unceremoniously, looking like a bad friend.

"Boss, I want to tell you something." Murong Qing'er suddenly became serious, and Nalan Yue was taken aback, her eyes fell on her, and she probably could guess what she was going to say, "Do you want to?" Ask the... person who attacked us?"

"That's it." Murong Qing'er nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice.

(End of this chapter)

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