Chapter 786 Spiritual Qi Fruit 7
Nalan Yue put his hands on her shoulders, and said to her seriously, "I can only tell you that it is a puppet, and I don't know how many, but it is for sure that it is very dangerous, so don't investigate it privately. .”

Ye Jin didn't want to talk to her about the puppet Ye Jin, for fear that she would be hurt, which shows how big this puppet really is!

"I understand." Hearing her serious words, Murong Qing'er's heart shivered, she didn't ask any more questions, and decided to let this matter go to her stomach.

Nalan Yue breathed a sigh of relief, but she became more and more curious about this puppet.

"Master—I found the spiritual energy fruit!" The voice of the little god tree suddenly rushed in, walking on the short little tree legs.

"It's so cute!" When Murong Qing'er saw the little god tree that looked like a miniature green umbrella, she couldn't help reaching out and touching it. Of course, the little god tree also shook its branches in a friendly manner.

"Stop playing, Qing'er, take good care of me and the little god tree to find the spiritual energy fruit." Nalan Yue left the person and the tree, then concentrated on controlling the speed of the space bracelet, and then left
"Come back early and be safe!" Murong Qing'er waved at them, bickering with Xiao Fenghuang here in every possible way.

The corner of his mouth smiled viciously, hum, tell your master to bully me, then I will have no choice but to bully you!

Murong Qing'er began to despise its identity, "Are you a bird...?"


"Or is it chicken?!"

"..." Xiao Fenghuang arrogantly turned his head away, and decided not to argue with this brainless person.


"You are dumb, your whole family is dumb!" Xiao Fenghuang was furious after being teased several times, "I am Fenghuang, Fenghuang, Fenghuang!"

"Uh!" Murong Qing'er was taken aback, grabbed it, scratched him, with a look of contempt on her face, "You are a Phoenix? Haha..." I laughed so hard, this bird is not a bird, and the chicken is not a chicken, yet it calls itself Phoenix ?
"Stupid!" The little phoenix jumped out of her clutches twice, raised its butt and "bang—" farted at her.

Murong Qing'er touched her heart hurt, it's not easy these days, even a broken bird is going against her!


Leaving the space, the purple phoenix bracelet flew towards her wrist with a crisp sound.

After Nalan Yue put it on, she and the little god tree appeared on an extremely steep cliff, and a dense spiritual energy fruit tree was growing on the one square meter raised cliff!

Its body is silvery white, like a silver tree that has fallen snowflakes, and it is the same color as the cliff behind it. To be honest, it is really hard to find if you don't look carefully.

"It's really deep enough!" Nalan Yue clapped her hands and jumped over, running towards the spiritual energy fruit tree.

The moment she arrived, the spiritual energy fruit tree suddenly turned into a crisp green color, like a green umbrella standing between the sky and the earth, with plump and crystal-clear fruits hanging on every branch, even though it was only the size of a fingernail But it exudes crystal light.

The little god tree jumped over, "Master, master, when its protective color disappears, it will not be far from death, hurry up and pick the fruit!"

Unexpectedly reminded by it, Nalan Yue came back to her senses, and picked the spiritual energy fruit together with the little god tree with transparent gloves.

The spiritual energy fruit is too small, and picking it is also a time-consuming task. It happened that Xiao Fenghuang and Xiao Bai came out to help.

The cooperation between one person and several magic pets is perfect.



And on the top of the cliff thousands of meters up here, Lan Xin'er was standing here with the puppet.

(End of this chapter)

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