Chapter 788 Spiritual Qi Fruit 9
Murong Qing'er also thought of this, and nodded without objection.

Nalan Yue leaned against the door, looked her from side to side, and then asked, "Are you feeling better?"

"It's better, it's this face!" Murong Qing'er turned into a resentful woman again, touching her tender face wrapped in gauze sadly and heartbroken.

"You are enough, if you touch it with your hands, your face will really be ruined." Nalan Yue said to her angrily. Fortunately, she is still a pharmacist, don't you know that hands are the place with the most bacteria? !

As soon as she was reminded, Murong Qing'er immediately withdrew her hand and never dared to touch her face again, she didn't want to disfigure herself!

The Lun family... The Lun family is going to confess to the coquettish man!Thinking of this Murong Qing'er girl's heart can't help but pounding.

"Yo, miss spring?" Nalan Yue teased her while controlling the bracelet to go up.

"Boss, you are so annoying!" Murong Qing'er, who was punctured, beat the quilt in shame and anger, and simply hid inside and pretended to be dead.

Nalan Yue raised the corners of her mouth and showed a playful smile. She doesn't know why recently, she likes to base her happiness on other people's pain and embarrassment...

Aww, what kind of wickedness is this!



The space bracelet quickly rose to the top of the cliff, and Nalan Yue jumped out when it was about to rise to the top, and at this time flew directly towards the top.

Sure enough... the puppet has already disappeared.

Nalan Yue stopped at the same spot, looked around vigilantly, and let Murong Qing'er out after seeing nothing wrong.

"Are you really not going to rest inside?"

"No, no." Murong Qing'er shook her head like a rattle, she was bored to death by herself, "I still have to do the task!"

Aww, what's more, there are no coquettish men to bicker with!

"It's really just a mission?" Nalan Yuerao looked at her meaningfully, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing his disbelief.

Being punctured again, Murong Qing'er covered her face and pretended to be calm, "My heart refuses to talk to the boss, so I have to obey my heart!" There is no way, all her pretense in front of the boss is empty talk, who told her before All of them are related to the old university!


After a moment of silence, Nalan Yue gave her a look and signaled her to go together, "Let's go, meet up, Feng Chu and the others must have waited for a long time."

"Ah! Let's go then!" Before Nalan Yue could react, Murong Qing'er pulled her up and quickly walked forward. She didn't want Feng Chu to worry about her!

"..." It's like this before falling in love. If she fell in love, Nalan Yue couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sky, she couldn't imagine what it would be like.

Because Murong Qing'er returned home like an arrow, the speed of the two of them was extremely fast, and their locators kept ringing along the way, all sent by Feng Chu and the others.

It didn't take long to arrive at the agreed meeting place, and the locator finally stopped beeping. Seeing so many messages coming in, but none of them belonged to Ye Jin, Nalan Yue suppressed the disappointment in her eyes. Their contact It has only stayed in the past few days.

Fengchu and the others had been waiting there for a long time, and when they saw the two of them, they ran over, "Foul woman, you are really fast, just faster than a tortoise!"

"Death...cough cough..." As soon as he said two words, his chest rolled slightly, Murong Qing'er immediately felt something strange, and grabbed the big tree beside him.

"What's wrong with you, dirty woman!!" Feng Chu stared at her nervously, thinking she was just pretending, so he exaggerated nonchalantly, "This scene has been acted!"

(End of this chapter)

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