Chapter 789 Confession 1
"Feng Chu, do you want to die?" Murong Qing'er clenched her fist several times and yelled at him unbearably.

Could it be that you are blind!It can't be seen that she is really hurt!

Murong Qing'er wanted to yell loudly, but she swallowed the words, why should she yell, besides, Feng Chu is not hers!
A trace of grievance floated in the bottom of her heart, extremely depressed, Murong Qing'er lowered her head and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Are you really hurt?" Seeing her listless look, Feng Chu finally noticed the strangeness, and leaned closer, "Bitch, you are really useless!"

"Get lost!" Murong Qing'er roared.

"Qing'er was injured protecting me." Nalan Yue walked towards the two of them and explained to Feng Chu.

"Ah?" Feng Chu exclaimed, subconsciously asked, "What happened to you?"

As soon as he roared, Meng Luoli and Xiao Ziyu, who was next to him, came over, staring at the two of them nervously.

"I met..." The puppet
Seeing that Qing'er immediately slipped the tongue, Nalan Yue immediately interrupted her, and then explained calmly, "It's nothing, it's just that the rope broke accidentally!"

At this time, Murong Qing'er also realized that she almost slipped the tongue, so she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, and laughed dryly, "Yes, the rope was accidentally broken when going down the cliff... Well, that's it!"

Fengchu and the others frowned, were they injured so badly just because they fell off the cliff?

Nalan Yue raised her eyes and glanced at a few people, seeing their obvious expressions of disbelief, she decided to sell Qing'er immediately, and turned to look at her with a smile, "Qing'er?"

"Huh?" When Murong Qing'er saw her malicious smile, her scalp suddenly went numb.

The others looked at the two with some doubts.

Seeing that everyone was looking over, Nalan Yue looked at her narrowly, "Don't you have something to say to Feng Chu?"

As soon as he heard that he was named, Feng Chu immediately jumped out, "What are you talking about!"

"'s nothing!" Murong Qing'er categorically denied it, waved her hand again and again, and quietly stared at Nalan Yue, how could the boss sell her in public!

Nalan Yue gave her a look, she had no choice but to use this to divert their attention, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why she fell off the cliff and suffered such serious injuries!
"..." My heart hurts, I was betrayed by the boss!

"Hey! Slut, what do you want to tell me!" Feng Chu obviously refused to let her go, and kept pestering her to ask.

"It's nothing!" Murong Qing'er stood up and pushed the man beside him away.

"Impossible, you must have something to say to this young master!" Feng Chu, who was pushed away, came closer again, a pair of sparkling peach eyes showing a playful arc.

Facing his eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Murong Qing'er's heart tightened, and her voice became stammered, "What can I say to you, if I don't hurry away, I will be rude to you!"

"Yo, have you become angry from embarrassment?" Feng Chu made a grimace, but refused to move away, which made Murong Qing'er angry and funny.

"Hurry up, we still have a task to do!"

Murong Qing'er quickly changed the subject, and strode forward, "You also know that there is a task to be done! Why don't you get out!"

"Don't try to change the subject, tell me quickly, do you want to say you like me? Want to be with me?" Feng Chu shouted behind her, a playful light flashed in her eyes, but she looked carefully and was extremely serious.

Suddenly all the secrets in her heart were punctured like this, Murong Qing'er's footsteps immediately stopped in place, her eyelashes drooped and her eyelashes trembled violently, as if a deer was running around on her chest.

(End of this chapter)

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