Chapter 790 Confession 2
Grass... so annoying and tangled!

Suddenly, a pair of hands held her hand, and the warm feeling immediately spread to the bottom of her heart, giving her infinite courage, Murong Qing'er raised her head and saw Nalan Yue who was encouraging her in her eyes.

"I don't know Qing'er like this!" Nalan Yue twitched the corners of her mouth lightly. She could see that the two of them had a crush on each other, and she didn't want them to miss it because of their awkwardness.

Yes, when did I become so hesitant and cautious?
Murong Qing'er suddenly realized, she let go of her hand, turned around and walked a few steps towards Feng Chu's direction, and said to him with clear and bright eyes, "What if... what if I say I like you?" Will you like me too?
"If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Where is the if?" The corners of Feng Chu's mouth suddenly twitched, but his tongue was still venomous.

Murong Qing'er's eyelids twitched suddenly, why did he play cards so unreasonably, but she had to do so, she took a deep breath and said directly, "Feng Chu, I...I...I... "Damn, why are the words on my lips and I can't say it!
Murong Qing'er felt annoyed in her heart, her brows were so tight that a fly could be pinched to death.

Not to mention her, even Nalan Yue and the others who were watching the show were worried about her!
"What about me?" Feng Chu walked over with a smile in the corner of her eyes, taking one step at a time, but in Qing'er's eyes, this step seemed to be walking in the bottom of her heart, getting closer.

And she was getting more and more suffocated, her face flushed instantly.

"Is it so difficult to say that you like me and want to be with me? Is this young master so unbearable?" Suddenly, her chin was pinched, and her delicate oval face was gently lifted. It ran down her cheeks.

"No, it's not!" Murong Qing'er struggled to spit out a few words, her eyes were downcast and she didn't dare to look at the man's face.

The first time I saw her showing a shy and cute appearance, Feng Chu's heart immediately swelled, and the hand that pinched her chin was a little bit harder to make her look at him, "Say no, then you admit that you like this young master?"

His heart was pierced again, Murong Qing'er didn't know where the strength came from, she slapped his big hand away, pinched his chin instead, staring arrogantly, "Yes, sisters just like you~ Let's go up to you!"

Anyway, it's not her style to hide and hide, so just say it openly, what kind of bullshit rejection is not even a friend, who cares about being friends with him!
Feng Chu was taken aback by her obscene tone, and laughed instantly, why did he think this rude girl in front of him was so cute!
Nalanyue and the others stared at her in horror, except for Nalanyue who shook her head speechlessly, this girl never knew what being reserved was!
"What? Are you scared?" Seeing him staring blankly at her, Murong Qing'er straightened her chest and spoke in a rushing tone.

But the bottom of her heart was like an overturned boat, thumping non-stop, and her previous courage seemed to be exhausted soon.

Unexpectedly, when her courage was about to run out, Feng Chu suddenly chuckled and stopped her waist, "You want to scare me?! Okay, I agree to fuck you!" So outstanding!
During the whole process, Murong Qing'er was in a dazed state...

Seeing that her dazed little appearance still had the filth just now, Feng Chu raised his hand and pinched her face, "But, so-and-so, please don't beg for mercy at night!!"

(End of this chapter)

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