Chapter 792 Ghost Mushroom 2
"Yueyue, you can't be alone anyway!" Meng Luolizi also objected, how could they let her take risks alone.

Xiao Ziyu's gentle face was slightly gloomy, "It's dangerous to be alone!"

"Okay then..." Seeing everyone's objections, Nalan Yue shrugged her shoulders and looked at Meng Luo and the others, "I'm in a team with Meng Luo Lizi, and you three are in a team."

"Boss, I want to be on your team!" Murong Qing'er yelled, and was about to run to Nalan Yue's side.

"Qing'er!" Feng Chu pulled her, but she broke free.

"Qing'er!" Seeing this, Nalan Yue frowned, and her tone was a little majestic, making her stop at the same spot, "Xiao Ziyu and Feng Chu are not bad at strength, they can protect you better!" She didn't want Qing'er to follow her and get hurt again!
"Qing'er, Yueyue is doing it for your own good." Feng Chu strode over to her, looking at her with peachy eyes, "You are injured now, following Yue'er will only drag her down!"

"Feng Chu! You insist on speaking so bluntly, and the boss says it's for my safety, so you must bring trouble!" Murong Qing'er yelled at him angrily, wanting to slap him.

"Hey... don't I want to stop you..." Feng Chu rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"You die!"

While the two were fighting, Nalan Yue and Meng Luo Lizi had already left.

In the same place, Xiao Ziyu, who had the least sense of existence, couldn't help sighing softly, the loss in his eyes was so obvious, he just wanted to look at her silently, why is it so difficult? !
"Hey!" Xiao Ziyu was suddenly patted on the shoulder, and Xiao Ziyu frowned and turned around, only to see Feng Chu staring at him, "Where are Yueyue and the others?"

Xiao Ziyu flicked his arm away, and said flatly, "It's gone."

"Damn it, then let's go too!" Murong Qing'er bluffed, she didn't want to lose the game, whether it was for the boss or to beat this woman Leng Xi'er!


The three of Nalan Yue walked through the low bushes and the huge forest, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

At the same time, an almost invisible black shadow followed them without making a sound.

"Go 500 meters further, if you see a row of black grass, it is black ink grass, and ghost mushrooms grow under it or at the root..." Nalan Yue explained to them carefully as he walked. with.

"No problem." Meng Luo and Li Zi nodded together.

The distance of 500 meters was only a moment for the practitioners, and soon they saw the black ink grass, and the row of black ink grass was especially conspicuous on the green grass.

Nalan Yue squatted on the ground, gently pushed aside the black ink grass with her fingers, and couldn't help but smile when she saw the corner of the mouth of the little mushroom below, this is the best herb to find among the five herbs!

It's just... isn't there a Guardian Beast here?
Thinking of this, Nalan Yue stood up again, looked around sharply, and made sure that there was no guardian beast, so she gave Meng Luo and Li Zi a look, "Pick it!"

As he said that, he squatted down first and picked them carefully.

Li Zi and Meng Luo also squatted down at the same time, and gently pulled up a bunch of mushrooms with tools.

Seeing that a row of ghost mushrooms was about to be pulled out, Li Zi suddenly stood up and shouted happily, "Brother!!"

elder brother?

Broad to the sky? !

Both Nalanyue and Meng Luo were startled by her, and quickly raised their heads to find that Kuo Lintian was standing not far from them, looking at them with a smile on his cheek like green bamboo.

(End of this chapter)

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