Chapter 793 Ghost Mushroom 3
And shallowly responded, "Pear."

"Why is he here?" Nalan Yue couldn't help wondering, frowning and looking at Kuo Lintian's face, it stands to reason that he should be in the mercenary guild!

How could it appear here?
Lizi immediately rushed to answer, looking at her brother's eyes full of joy, "My brother must be doing a task, Sister Yueyue, I will go back as soon as I go!"

After speaking, the little girl turned into a bird and ran towards her brother in a hurry.

"Yueyue..." Meng Luo looked at the two hesitantly, wanting to go with Lizi but worried about Nalanyue.

"Go and accompany Lizi, I'm fine by myself." Nalanyue saw his embarrassment, and nodded to him indifferently.

"We'll be right back!" After saying that, Meng Luo ran away after Li Zi.

Nalan Yue stood on the spot with her arms folded, still looking at Kuo Lintian suspiciously, seeing his smile, she always felt that something was wrong.

But I can't tell what's wrong!

Before she could figure it out, Nalan Yue suddenly felt a force moving behind her, she froze immediately and turned around quickly.

As soon as she turned around, she saw an ugly thing with a mushroom umbrella dangling in front of her. The eyes that appeared on the mushroom head gave off a cold green light, which looked very strange, and the ferocious teeth were barking, roaring at Nalan The moon is coming!


"Ghost Mushroom Guardian Beast?" Nalan Yue recognized it at a glance, her eyes were startled, she didn't understand why it appeared suddenly, and it was almost at the same time as Kuo Lintian!

But now is not the time to think so much, Nalan Yue immediately drew out the small dagger and started to fight it.

The Ghost Mushroom Guardian Beast is not a vegetarian either, and has relatively strong combat power. They fight with each move, and slowly the Ghost Mushroom Guardian Beast still loses.

Just when Nalan Yue was about to release the ultimate move - Five Elements Formation, the Ghost Mushroom Guardian Beast on the opposite side suddenly ran away, and the speed was extremely fast, as if there was some devil chasing it behind.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it disappeared before Nalan Yue's eyes!
But Nalan Yue didn't give a sigh of relief because of its sudden escape. Instead, he frowned more suspiciously, and clasped his hands in confusion.

You must know that a creature like a guardian beast will definitely have a life-and-death battle with that person after the thing it guards is stolen, but now...

Could it be that she just met a very cowardly guardian beast?
"Impossible!" Nalan Yue shook her head immediately, all the coincidences in this world are... planned plans!
Suddenly, Nalan Yue's eyes shone with a ray of light, and she immediately thought of the blood that looked down at the ground, it was the blood shed when the Ghost Mushroom Guardian Beast was injured by her before!
But at this time...

That brown blood...

But it overflowed into the soil little by little, and then disappeared suddenly, just like that guardian beast!
"How could this happen!!" Seeing this strange scene, Nalan Yue immediately had a bad feeling, she quickly squatted down, and inserted a small dagger into the ground to turn over the soil, but there was no blood in the soil!
In other words, the guardian beast of the ghost mushroom is very likely to be a fake...

It's an illusion...

Otherwise, solve this bloodstain that suddenly disappeared on the soil...

After trying to understand this, Nalan Yue's whole body suddenly turned cold, as if another basin of cold water suddenly poured down on her, making her cold from the beginning to the end!
What about Kuo Lintian that Meng Luo and Lizi saw?
(End of this chapter)

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