Chapter 794 Ghost Mushroom 4
Nalan Yue turned around in a panic, and looked in the direction where Kuo Lintian had appeared before, but there... there was no one there!

Kuo Lintian, who she should have thought of earlier, couldn't just appear out of nowhere!
Everything is just an illusion to confuse people!

"Bang——" Nalan Yue hammered on an approaching tree with an annoyed expression, causing the entire ancient tree to sway like crazy.

"Meng Luo? Pear?" She looked at everything around her and shouted loudly!

The only thing that can respond to her is air!


Nalan Yue continued to shout without giving up, and searched the surroundings but still did not find any trace of them, as if they had disappeared out of thin air...

Just like the Guardian Beast before!
Nalan Yue's heart panicked, she tried her best to calm herself down, but her chest was still churning violently, she blamed herself extremely!
"Pear, Monroe? Where are you?" She searched along the vicinity again, but there was nothing but empty trees and grass.

"You must not be in trouble!" Nalan Yue clenched her fingers into fists, and blood flowed out of her flesh, letting the pain force her to calm down.

By the way...and the locator!

Nalan Yue reacted immediately and found the icon of the locator to open the location, but found that the two were not far from her.

As long as she raises her eyes, she can see the position!

how can that be……?
She has read this place many times and there are no them at all!
Nalan Yue raised her eyes in astonishment, and looked towards the coordinates of the locator, but they were not there! ! !
Really angry!

Nalan Yue didn't believe the monster, she gritted her teeth and walked directly according to the coordinates displayed by the locator, only to find that the locator of the two of them had fallen there.

It turned out to be like this... The locator must not have been dropped by the two of them, it must have been deliberately dropped by that person!

Who the hell is that!

Nalanyue couldn't figure out who was designing them. Frowning, she knelt down and picked up the two locators, and looked around again, seeing the dizzying scene, but...they still didn't exist!

There was a cool breeze blowing all around, which only made people feel chilly. Just as Nalan Yue was about to stand up, she found a pair of black boots that she was familiar with. The boots were exquisite and gorgeous, and the black robe was winding.

Nalan Yue's movements immediately froze, her eyes flickered inadvertently, and then she raised her head, exclaiming joyfully, "Ye Jin!"

Yes, the person in front of him is none other than Ye Jin!
Ye Jin's handsome face was smiling at her gently, and he slowly approached her, his voice was soft and seductive, "Yue'er, I'll take you somewhere!"

Facing his magical eyes, Nalan Yue felt that her heart was in a state of confusion, as if she was about to be controlled. She inadvertently lowered her head, covered her mouth and smiled shyly, "Okay!"

She answered without thinking, Ye Jin nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and continued walking towards the south.

Nalan Yue quietly followed behind him, the corners of her mouth curled up in a meaningful way.

And Ye Jin suddenly flashed a sneer with his back turned to her face, the idiot really took the bait!

Nalan Yue didn't seem to notice anything unusual, talking like a bird along the way.

"Ye Jin, why did you come back suddenly?"

"To surprise you!"

"But... what about your mission to find the Star Grass?"

"Oh, it's done!"

(End of this chapter)

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