Chapter 798 Aliens 2
He was also at a loss as to why this group of people were greeting him so familiarly!

"Don't call me Yue'er! Tell me! Where are Qing'er and the others!" Nalan Yue stared coldly into his eyes, but she thought he had a good character, but she didn't expect it!did not expect!
Xiao Ziyu smiled bitterly, his eyes stained with fine sadness, "I don't know them at all, let alone kidnap Qing'er and the others with the puppet, Yue'er, you have to trust me!!"

Nalan Yue hugged her shoulders, curled the corners of her mouth coldly, "I'm sorry, I only believe in the facts!" But seeing his extremely serious eyes, she felt that he was not lying.

"I'm not your young master, and I don't know you at all!" Xiao Ziyu knew that explaining was useless, so he could only look coldly at the men in black.

The man in black said respectfully, "Young master, you are our young master, it's just that you forgot..."

Xiao Ziyu roared in a low voice, her gentle temperament disappeared, and she was about to explode, "Nonsense!"

Who is framed for no reason like this, and can endure it without saying a word!

"You really don't know them?" Seeing their conversation and Xiao Ziyu's out-of-control performance, Nalan Yue couldn't help feeling suspicious.

"Really!" Xiao Ziyu immediately changed into a warm tone when speaking to her, but her low voice was stubborn, "What do you think I kidnapped Murong Qing'er and the others, what purpose can I have for them, fool, even if you want Kidnapping me will only kidnap you, okay?"

Facing his roar, Nalan Yue was stunned, and looked at him with lowered eyes, yes, Qing'er and the others had no grievances with him before, Xiao Ziyu didn't steal money or sex, what's the matter? Reason to kidnap them!
But why did the man in black on the opposite side keep calling him young master, and said he had forgotten...

Nalan Yue became more and more suspicious, frowning and staring at the group of men in black in front of her, "You guys are human!!"

"Human?" Opposite, the man in black sneered disdainfully, "You don't need to know our identities, just remember that we are here to bring back the young master and kill you!"

"Kill me?" Nalanyue curled her lips coldly, her clear and calm eyes faced the group of men in black who were about to kill themselves, without any trace of fear.

"With me around, you don't want to touch her!!" Xiao Ziyu took a step forward without warmth, and his warm eyes were staring at them with extreme sharpness, like a hungry wolf.

The man in black said to him respectfully again, "Young master, the master ordered to kill all the women who are close to you, please don't embarrass your subordinates!"

Yes, the master has ordered that any woman who is by his side must be killed, because that person is likely to be...

"Shut up!" Xiao Ziyu scolded coldly, his brows and eyes sank in displeasure, and a haze fell on his gentle face, "I said, I'm not your young master,"

"Young master, you cannot change your true identity!" the man in black said stubbornly.

Xiao Ziyu's brows were furrowed again, and his eyes were full of confusion. He really didn't understand why these strange guys insisted on calling themselves their young masters!


"Young master, whether you admit your identity or not, we must take you away today!" The man in black couldn't help but have a strong tone when he saw that he was a lost sheep with unbelief.

"Heh..." Xiao Ziyu lifted the corners of his mouth, and the corners of his thin lips twitched mockingly, "What if I don't leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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