Chapter 799 Aliens 3
"Then the subordinate can only offend..." The people in black hesitated for a while, looked at each other, and had no choice but to use violence!
Xiao Ziyu stood in the luxuriant forest, the cool wind blew a little bangs on his forehead, his gentle side face was like a spring breeze, but his expression could not help but make people shiver.

He hooked his fingers at the man in black opposite him, "Come together!"

I don't know if it's Nalan Yue's illusion, but at this moment, she can feel that Young Master Xiao has changed into a different person, his tone is lazy like a cat, his gentle temperament is full of magic, like a mandala fatal attraction.

Looking away from his face, he saw four of the five men in black attacking him, and the last one rushed towards him fiercely.

Nalan Yue immediately took out her small dagger, and was about to step forward, but before she got close to the man in black, she saw a faint purple light flashing in front of her eyes, making a sharp sound and rushing forward!
When she came to her senses, she found that the man in black who wanted to attack her was already lying on the ground without making a sound.

From her position, Xiao Ziyu must have shot that faint purple light just now, Nalan Yue couldn't help frowning slightly, one must know that Xiao Ziyu wasn't that powerful at the beginning, why did he suddenly become a strong man? ?
Seeing that the other four men in black were about to be dealt with by Xiao Ziyu, Nalan Yue squatted on the ground, trying to tear off the mask of the man in black. just disappeared...

It turned into a bubble, gradually became transparent, and then disappeared completely!

"Damn! Still like this?" Nalan Yue couldn't help complaining. As soon as she stood up, she saw the puppet's gloomy eyeballs staring at her fiercely. If his mouth was big enough, it must be I want to eat Nalan Moon!

"Go to hell—" the puppet sneered twice, and then released his ultimate move.

With Xiao Ziyu as a variable, it was too difficult to lure Nalanyue to the center again, so he just killed her without stopping!

Nalan Yue didn't admit to being cowardly, she quickly flew into the air, and the poison and silver needles were thrown at him——

boom!boom!boom! !

Without exception, when the silver needles pierced the puppets, they made an unusually piercing sound, as if they had been pierced on a steel plate, and all of them fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Nalan Yue couldn't help frowning, her silver needles were issued according to the acupuncture points of the human body, but he didn't have a single weakness, it was really many times higher than the previous puppet.

"Hehe..." The puppet seemed to see through her mind, and couldn't help but let out a contemptuous laugh.

Nalan Yue frowned and stared at it, it was obvious that the puppet already had its own thoughts.

On the opposite side, the puppets started a new round of battle, each move was extremely fierce, Nalan Yue responded immediately and took a slight advantage.

The sound of swords, lights and swords exploded in the air, like setting off firecrackers, cutting through the air layer by layer and jumping into people's hearts.

Seeing that Nalan Yue was gaining the upper hand, while the puppets were attacking more and more fiercely, Xiao Ziyu quickly came to her side after cleaning up the men in black.

The man waved his arm and exerted his strength, a purple light quickly hit the puppet, and the puppet immediately stopped attacking Nalan Yue and concentrated on dealing with this sudden attack.

The faint purple light was in the shape of a crescent moon, looking like an extremely sharp sickle, rushing towards him like a broken bamboo.

(End of this chapter)

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