Chapter 800 Aliens 4
The puppet was made to take a few steps back by the fast-flowing airflow around him. Seeing that the purple light was about to hit him, he wanted to avoid it but found that he was standing stiffly in place, unable to move a step.

"No—" Seeing that he was going to be destroyed, even the puppet screamed in horror!
It's a pity that this failed to stop Ziguang's attack - only a "cracking" sound was heard, and after a closer look, the puppet had turned into a pile of scrap metal at this time.

Xiao Ziyu exerted force again, with cold eyes, raised his hand and smashed its body with spiritual energy, making him so dead that he couldn't die anymore!
Seeing that the puppet had completely disappeared, he curled his mouth in satisfaction. He was extremely evil and charming, giving people the feeling like a blooming flower on the other side.

Weird, yet seductive, evil yet noble!
Compared with his usual gentle demeanor, this is a thousand miles away!

Nalanyue crossed her arms and couldn't help staring at his face suspiciously. If she wasn't familiar with this face, she would think that the person in front of her was not Xiao Ziyu at all.

Even though Xiao Ziyu turned his back to her, he could still feel her gaze, and suppressed the deep purple in his eyes, he turned around as warmly as before, staring at her with bright black eyes, "What's wrong?"

His tone was still so gentle, his smile was still like a spring breeze, he was a completely different person from before.

Nalan Yue couldn't help widening her eyes, and asked subconsciously, "Why did you become so powerful all of a sudden!" Both of them couldn't kill the puppet before, but now he solved it with a wave of his hand alone!
"Oh, maybe it's potential!" Xiao Ziyu smiled lightly, and answered lightly, as if it wasn't a big deal.


The corners of Nalan Yue's mouth couldn't help twitching when she heard these two words, what about her three-year-old child?Potential...

"Don't talk about it!" Since people don't want to talk about it, Nalan Yue is not the kind of nosy person, so let's not talk about it!
Xiao Ziyu lowered his head slightly, not saying a word, he really wanted to tell the truth, he wanted to tell him that he was Ziyou, but...even if he said it, so won't remember me!

A dim beam of light appeared in his eyes, and then he seemed to think of something, his expression immediately became extremely anxious, and he grabbed Nalan Yue's arm, "Go, go, they are coming soon!!"

"Who?" Before Nalan Yue could ask, she was quickly pulled away.


Before they took two steps, a neat row of men in black appeared in front of them, which was exactly the same as the previous wave, and this time their number was increasing.

They were as densely packed as ants, and a gloomy black mist lingered around them, extremely evil and extremely weird!

"I'm going, what the hell!" Nalanyue and Xiao Ziyu had to stop, looking at the countless men in black, Nalanyue couldn't help but feel her scalp tingle.

Seeing this, Xiao Ziyu smiled wryly, "They are not ghosts, they are demons from the Netherworld!"

"But they are no different from ghosts!" He added after finishing speaking, with complex dark lights rolling in his eyes, no matter what, he would not let Nalan Yue suffer any harm!

"The netherworld? Demon race?" Nalan Yue chewed on these unfamiliar words, feeling surprised and astonished.

Could it be that the demons from the nether world are trying to invade the mainland?
But why did these people pester them? No, to be precise, why did these people pester Xiao Ziyu, and also wanted to kill her?

(End of this chapter)

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