Chapter 801 Lord Demon Monarch 1
Before Nalan Yue could figure it out, she saw the countless men in black uniformly stepping forward, looking at Xiao Ziyu respectfully, "Devil Lord, welcome your return!"

The loud voice seemed harsh in the silent mountain forest. It stirred up a flock of birds, and the surrounding area seemed to shake!
Demon Lord?

I go and go...

It took only a while to change from a young master to a devil? ?

Nalan Yue looked at the man in black in astonishment and then turned to look at Xiao Ziyu, but he just frowned with a wry smile and said nothing as if acquiescing to everything in front of him.

But obviously before he was very excited to refute... He kept saying that he didn't know them, why did he become a strong man...

A bad premonition struck Nalan Yue's heart, she subconsciously asked, "Why don't you refute?"

"Heh..." Xiao Ziyu sneered faintly, with a dazzling purple light shining slightly in his deep eyes, "Yue'er, you know, I can't refute it anymore, but you have to believe that I will never betray you... "

His tone is so sincere and warm, like the catkins flying in the May sky, but his expression is so sad.

"What do you mean?" For no reason, Nalan Yue shuddered in her heart, and suddenly felt a chill in her bones!
She looked up at him for no reason, not understanding why he would say such a thing.

But what he did next made Nalan Yue completely understand...

In front of them, the men in black took a few steps forward and immediately divided into two teams. It seemed that the first team wanted to catch Xiao Ziyu back, while the first team wanted to attack her!

Just as Nalan Yue was about to make a move, Xiao Ziyu pulled her behind without a trace, and said to her in a low voice, "Stay behind me, and run as soon as you have time, do you hear me!!"

His voice sounded very tense at this moment, as if he had reached the moment when thousands of troops were on the way, Nalan Yue was startled, "What about you?"

"Me?" Xiao Ziyu suddenly laughed at himself, looked up at the sky covered by green trees, then glanced at the man in black, "It's time for me to go back to my own place!"

"What..." Nalan Yue was confused for a while, but Xiao Ziyu didn't intend to explain any more.

In fact, it was no longer Xiao Ziyu, but Ziyou!

Xiao Ziyu's body had already been temporarily controlled by him when the demons descended suddenly, but it still takes a lot of difficulty to fuse this piece of soul!

But right now...

Ziyou couldn't help sighing faintly, and pulled out the long sword she was wearing, the sharp sword was full of cold light.

Does that person have to kill her? !

"Where are you going back?" Seeing how he protected himself, Nalan Yue couldn't just watch him in danger.

Xiao Ziyu didn't answer him, but the men in black who were approaching on the opposite side said in surprise, "Master Mojun, do you understand that you want to go back with us?"

"Let her go!" Xiao Ziyu looked directly at them with cold eyes, and his whole body was filled with a dangerous aura, as if it might erupt at any time.

"This..." The man in black hesitated, and finally looked at him with difficulty, "My lord, since you remembered it, you should know the death order given by the master!"

Any woman who appears beside the Demon Lord Ziyou will surely die!Not one can be let go!

I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!
Xiao Ziyu's eyes were filled with fierce and strange purple light, and he spoke words like ice, "She is not her..."

(End of this chapter)

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