Chapter 802 Lord Demon Monarch 2
Xiao Ziyu might not understand what these demon soldiers said, but how could Ziyou not understand!

The reason why the master wants to kill all the women around him is because he is afraid that this person will be... the woman who has fettered him for countless years!

She is not her? ?Nalan Yue looked suspiciously at the man standing in front of her eyes, and she sensed that he was talking about herself out of a woman's intuition!
Take a closer look, his side face seems to have changed, it is no longer the familiar gentleness, but has become fierce, with a bit of bewitching charm, but why did he say that?

Why did this group of people in black want to kill me... It seems that I have never had contact with other races before!
Nalan Yue frowned stubbornly, but Xiao Ziyu seemed to sense the many doubts in her heart, turned around and looked at her with a smile, his eyes were extremely gentle, "Don't think so much, all this has nothing to do with you, you are Do the innocent know!"

"Lord Demon Monarch, does this... really have nothing to do with her?" the demon soldiers on the opposite side asked anxiously.

"En!" Xiao Ziyu glanced at them casually.

But does she really have nothing to do with her?

Nalan Yue raised her eyes in an attempt to look for some clues in his eyes, but those delicate and charming pupils were serious except seriousness!

As if what he said was true...

For a while, Nalan Yue couldn't judge whether what this man said was true or not, but the only thing she could be sure of was that he would not hurt herself!
"Remember to run away!!" Xiao Ziyu spoke again, her low voice came into her ears, and then she looked at the group of demon soldiers in front of her, and repeated her previous words, "I said...she is not That person, let her go and I will go back with you!"

The man in black hesitated again, gritted his teeth and continued to insist, "My lord, I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let a single person go!" Who made her a woman!
Xiao Ziyu's face quickly covered with gloom, the black sky seemed to be about to rain, "In this case..."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, as if he had made some decision, he twitched the corner of his mouth and revealed a shocking and evil smile, "That can only kill you!"

"My lord!" The man in black froze in fright, and only realized that what he said was true when he saw that his eyes were filled with murderous intent!

However, Xiao Ziyu no longer gave them any chance to speak, his slender hand grabbed the crescent knife next to it, and scratched it on the ground to provoke a dazzling golden light.

Immediately afterwards, he flew up to resist the large group of demon soldiers, drawing a trace in the air with his wanton posture, and wandered among the dark demon soldiers. It was easy to deal with it!
Seeing that their young master really came to kill them, the demon soldiers had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight!

Looking at this scene, looking at the calm fighting figure, Nalan Yue had to admit that Xiao Ziyu had really changed, becoming both familiar and unfamiliar to her.

"Run--" Suddenly, a growling voice shouted at her, dispelling all the thoughts in her mind at once, and her feet moved involuntarily, wanting to run outside.

Nalan Yue's eyes were startled, and it took some strength to stop herself, but her heart was like a mirror, Xiao Ziyu must have used some secret methods because she knew she couldn't run.

But how could she leave her teammates and run alone...

Turning to look at him with a little worry, he never did anything wrong, but he was isolated in their team, and now he is saving himself, is it true that he is really going to run away and leave him alone?

 A few days ago, the computer was disconnected, the mobile phone was dead, and I couldn't update it. I'm sorry, I will make it up, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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