Chapter 803 Ziyou's Affection 1
"Let's go!!" Ziyou seemed to have seen through the hesitation in her heart, and roared at her, her eyes were reddened, does this silly girl know that she is staying here, she will die!

And he is the Lord Demon Lord of the Demon Race, no one will do anything to him!
What a silly girl!

Under his gaze, Nalan Yue moved her footsteps, and immediately ran towards him like a flying sword, picking up a small dagger and fiercely fighting these demon soldiers.

Turning his head, he looked at him beside him, and said stubbornly, "Let's go together!"

Ziyou looked anxiously and angrily at her who was as stubborn as before, her thoughts drifted away with these words, she stared at her closely, as if thinking of the scene many years ago... She is really stupid! !
There were as many demon soldiers as the tide, and they surrounded them one after another. One demon soldier was at the level of a five-star martial artist, but Nalan Yue was only a seven-star martial artist, but it was too much for him to fight against so many five-star martial artists at the same time.

She gritted her teeth and desperately fought a bloody path. The small silver dagger had a layer of bright red color, which was especially strange in the air!
In front, a leader-like demon soldier raised his sword and was about to stab Nalan Yue's head. In an instant, Nalan Yue realized the danger, but there were other demon soldiers on the left and right holding her back.

Fuck, these crazy people!
Nalan Yue cursed secretly, but only a few seconds later, the sword was about to stab at the top of her head!
"Be careful—" Ziyou exclaimed, and then Nalan Yue saw him reach her in a flash, and the magic soldier was destroyed by him raising his hand.

Nalan Yue pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "Thank you..." In just a short while, he has already saved himself several times!

Ziyou turned her head to look at her tenderly, and put her behind her carefully, "Get behind me, I will protect you!"

Although the scene was dangerous, at this moment, Nalan Yue's heart softened, she stared at him with clear eyes, as if a firework exploded in her mind.

She... seems to know him!But do not know!

Very strange feeling! ! !

But Ziyou didn't notice the change in her heart, and started killing all directions, every magic soldier was like a small ant in his eyes, vulnerable to a single blow!
Countless demon soldiers were killed and injured, but he killed more and more fiercely, blood almost stained half of the sky red...

"Master Demon Lord, you will be punished by the master for doing this!" The demon soldiers were frightened by his blood, and couldn't help but remind them!

"Oh... I'm used to it!" Xiao Ziyu said indifferently, but his fingers crushed the magic soldier in his hand without any emotion, and he curled his lips in satisfaction when he saw him turn into foam.

That evil and ferocious appearance can almost condense the surrounding air.

Nalan Yue couldn't help but turned to look at him, is she used to being punished by that master?But who is their master... Now she won't simply think that he is Xiao's young master!
"Will you be in danger?" Nalan Yue asked after hesitating for a long time. After all, he was also protecting her.

"I am very happy!"


Nalanyue's face suddenly became confused, happy to be punished? ?

"What are you thinking about!" Xiao Ziyu looked into her heart with a glance, smiled and raised the corners of his mouth, extremely charming, "I am very happy that you care about me..." What does it matter if you are really punished!
"..." Nalan Yue was speechless.

A large group of demon soldiers were finally killed, but before the two could breathe a sigh of relief, another large piece fell down!

(End of this chapter)

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