Chapter 804 Ziyou's Affection 2
It was so dark that it fell from the sky in a uniform order. People who didn't know it thought it was a dark cloud that fell from the sky accidentally!
"Hiss—" Seeing another wave, Nalan Yue couldn't help but gasp, because...

Because almost all of this wave were above the martial artist level, she had only seen such a powerful coercion from Ye Jin and the elders in Qinglong Academy!

In other words, every magic soldier can crush a city alone!

Grass, not to mention the number of the other party is hundreds!

At this moment, Nalan Yue felt that she was just an egg, and she was still a stupid egg who wanted to touch a rock! !
Ziyou also frowned at the same time, Nalan Yue didn't understand why there were so many more demon soldiers suddenly, but he knew that if this wave was killed, there would be more powerful demon soldiers waiting for them !

This is also the reason why he let Nalan Yue go in the first place, so she should go even more now!
Seeing him staring at her all the time, Nalan Yue straightened her back, "Although I can't beat them, I can still stay and cheer for you!" Maybe because of the few days of getting along, she has already regarded him as a teammate or is a friend, so she won't abandon him.

"Then you like me?" Ziyou looked at her small appearance, and suddenly said something.

"Pfft——" Come on, it's not the same as liking!
Nalanyue sprayed rice on the spot, managed to stabilize her body, and gave him a sad look, "Ahem, don't get me wrong... I just regard you as a teammate, whether it's you or Qinger Fengchu and the others today , it is impossible for me to leave them alone!"

If she had known that he would misunderstand, she might as well just leave him behind!
"Oh..." Ziyou answered in disappointment, turned his head and smiled wryly at the corner of his mouth, in fact, he knew too well that it was impossible for her to like him!

And his love is also very simple, just simple love, as long as it doesn't bring troubles to her!

On the opposite side, the demon soldier who was obviously more coercive than before took a step forward, "Master, are you still unwilling to go back with your subordinates?"

"Who says I don't want to?" Xiao Ziyu narrowed his eyes, put away his previous thoughts and concentrated on looking at the group of demon soldiers.

"Then you are willing?" The magic soldiers were overjoyed.

On the contrary, Nalan Yue looked at him suspiciously, the man's side face was charming, the corners of his thin lips curled up in a half-smile, and there was a deep sense of depth in his eyes.

He will definitely not give in to this...

Sure enough, Xiao Ziyu said next, "It's the same sentence, let her go!"

"This is impossible!" This wave of magic soldiers insisted more than any previous wave.

They have killed many women before, but this woman is the only one that the devil protects most, so they want to kill them even more!
Regardless of whether she is that person or not!
"Oh...impossible?" Xiao Ziyu smiled slowly, his long eyes flashed with a cold light, "The example of the last wave of demon soldiers is your fate!"

"My lord, is it worth it for you to kill so many of your compatriots for just a woman?" His stubbornness made the group of demon soldiers drunk!

"I don't need your criticism!" In his eyes, even if he killed the entire Netherworld for her, so what!
"Then the subordinates can only do it!" With the previous wave of examples, let them understand that Lord Mojun really won't show mercy to them!
Ziyou sneered, Xiemei's pupils were surging like waves, "I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

(End of this chapter)

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