Chapter 805 Ziyou's Affection 3
"Squad [-], [-], [-], go kill that woman, Squad [-], [-], and I stop Lord Mojun!" The leader in front ordered darkly. Although it was a move, they didn't dare to really kill Zi You, so they could only find a way to kill Zi You first. Get rid of Nalan Yue!
"As long as I'm here, no one can hurt her!" Ziyou roared, and a dazzling purple light burst out from her whole body, breaking through the clouds and almost standing shoulder to shoulder with the sun!

The [-]st, [-]th and [-]st Squad who originally wanted to attack Nalan Yue were also knocked in place by his power, and then they saw the Demon Lord attacking the [-]nd and [-]th Squad with a strange figure.

The [-]nd and [-]th teams resisted his ferocious tsunami-like attack with difficulty, and immediately, the [-]th team attacked Nalan Yue.

Nalan Yue faced the battle calmly, the small dagger shone with a sharp cold light, and the surrounding wind blew a fine bang on her forehead, revealing a pair of cold and clear eyes.

Even if the opponent can instantly kill her in terms of numbers and cultivation, she will never be afraid!
Little Phoenix and Xiaobai also came out of the space to fight with her, and the little god tree was her rattan weapon!
Swords and swords, blood stained the sky!
The scene was extremely fierce, and these magic soldiers were all higher than Nalan Yue's cultivation level, so it was extremely difficult for her to deal with it, but fortunately, there was a five-element formation, so that even if she couldn't kill the opponent, she would not be injured herself!

kill kill kill! ! !

At this moment, in Nalan Yue's eyes, there was only this word. Beads of sweat slipped from the top of her head, fighting desperately, almost besieged on all sides!

Countless magic soldiers were surrounding her with spears, and the encirclement became smaller and smaller as they approached.

Even though she was surrounded, Nalan Yue still looked at these demons with cold eyes, her open eyes were extremely calm, and her clenched fist could almost crush the handle of a small dagger.

The demon soldiers had playful expressions on their faces, as if they really wanted to see her panicked expression, but Nalan Yue didn't, instead calmly annoyed them.

So, feeling that they were being provoked by tiny human beings approaching step by step, they sneered, "Die, vulnerable human beings—"

As the sound fell, countless spears flew out in a "swish", piercing the air and wiping out tiny sparks and cold light!

The whole process took almost a blink of an eye!
Nalan Yue was standing in the middle, and countless spears and flying swords were coming at her. She could turn into a hedgehog in the blink of an eye!

"Be careful——" Xiaofenghuang and Xiaobai saw this scene with sharp eyes, their hearts were immediately raised in their throats, and they immediately put down the enemy in their hands and ran towards her nimbly.

Before they got there, a figure flashed past and directly killed the demon soldiers with spears.

He waved his sleeves, purple light suddenly appeared, and the five demon soldiers were wiped out in ashes!
And Nalanyue just wanted to use the Five Elements Formation to protect herself, but before she could use it, Xiao Ziyu's figure appeared in front of her eyes again.

She raised her eyes and bumped into his deep and evil forehead eyes. The dark eyes were like huge black holes, but the pupils were extremely delicate. Just one glance made people fall into it so deeply that they couldn't extricate themselves!
This man saved her again...

Nalan Yue's expression moved, and she was about to say something when she suddenly felt a strong force dragging her, and the words she wanted to say immediately disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, she slowly felt her body lighten, and Nalan Yue's eyes flickered, and she quickly lowered her head to look, only to find that her feet were already higher than the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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