Chapter 810 Ziyou's Affection 8
Before that, she was planning to use Murong Qing'er and others to introduce Nalan Yue into the central part of the Devil's Forest, but the puppet was uselessly killed, and what about her?
It's true that I can't bear to stay under the same blue sky with this woman for a second, so I would rather do it myself!
She couldn't bear it, did she think Nalan Yue could bear it? !

The long sword in Lan Xin'er's hand rushed towards her like a broken bamboo, the air could almost be cut, and there was an ear-piercing and sharp friction sound.

Countless ice cones fell one after another, just like before, it was clear that Lan Xin'er returned all the previous attacks to her!

Nalan Yue was stunned for a moment, and she really guessed right... She shot herself in the foot with a rock, she felt a pain in the ass!

Lan Xin'er was standing at the top of a protruding tree, with a smug and wanton smile on her lips, "Nalanyue enjoy your own moves, but it looks really weak! "Vulnerable!
Yo, want her life and humiliate her?Nalan Yue suddenly laughed angrily, "Lan Xin'er, you finally let this girl understand the origin of the word shameless!"

"Damn it!" Hearing that she was sarcastically mocking herself, Lan Xin'er pointed all the ice picks at her again——

shoot to -

The tips of countless ice cones are particularly dazzling in the clear and cold sunlight, and the dense accumulation of one by one makes people shudder.

After finishing all this, Lan Xin'er leaned lazily on the lush tree branch and looked at Nalan Yue who was in danger with a sneer.

No matter what I say today, this bitch must die. What a great opportunity!
The sharp-eyed icicle was about to hit her, Nalan Yue immediately released the five-element formation, and the five elemental lights immediately appeared, covering her from head to tail.

Crackling - this kind of sound sounded again, different from the last time it was hitting Lan Xin'er, this time it was hitting her!
Nalan Yue controlled the running speed of the Five Elements Array, a trace of sweat broke out on her forehead, and after a while these sharp ice cones were smashed by the Five Elements Array!
However, Lan Xin'er was right about one thing, her moves were really weak!

At the top of the tree, Lan Xin'er dragged her chin with her hands and looked at the multicolored protective cover suspiciously. Before she could react, she saw that Nalan Yue had already killed those ice edges!

Her eyes darkened, ah, I really underestimated this little bitch, but so what?

There was an extremely cold smile on the corner of Lan Xin'er's mouth, the temperatureless smile made people shudder even in the summer.

Nalan Yue put away the five-element formation, hugged her shoulders, and looked at her expressionlessly, "Where are Qing'er and the others!!"

Still that question!


Lan Xin'er wanted to play tricks on her, but she just didn't say anything. She looked like she wanted to kill her, and shrugged indifferently, "Those friends of yours... probably died!"

"Say it again!!!" Nalan Yuehe could feel the veins on his forehead throbbing, and his fingers were about to bleed.

"I'm not only going to say it once, but I'm going to say it twice, three times..." Lan Xin'er's fairy face flashed a playful light, "They're dead, dead, dead!!"

"Then you go down to be buried with him—" Now Nalan Yue had no patience, every word she didn't say was provoking her own tense strings!

And finally...

just now……

This string is completely broken!
Lan Xin'er has already touched her last reverse scale!

 The author said: Thank you for your peace of mind
(End of this chapter)

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