Chapter 811 Ziyou's Affection 9
"Go with the little dagger—" Nalan Yue held the small dagger in his hand, and with the power of the fire element, he stabbed towards Lan Xin'er parallel in mid-air!
Lan Xin'er immediately soared into the air, "Overestimate her own strength!" She raised her long sword and rushed forward.


The two sharp swords collided, and Lan Xin'er's strength was slightly higher than Nalan Yue's, but the strength of the angry Nalan Yue was almost equal to her.

After the first move was over, the two took a step back.

Nalan Yue quickly stuck the small dagger into an ancient tree to avoid falling, her eyes were cold and terrifying.

On the opposite side, Lan Xin'er stabilized her body, wiped the blood from her lips with Cong Cong's fingers, and said sarcastically, "I'm worthy to fight with this saint with such little strength!"

Immediately afterwards, she kicked her whole body backwards, hitting the ancient tree behind her, with a sound of "thunderbolt-", the ancient tree shattered into pieces on the spot.

And she pointed the sword straight to the sky, with a pious face as if she was completing an ancient ceremony, and roared loudly, "I summon the black flame in the name of the saint of the domain, please give me the strength to destroy the enemy in front of me—— "

Following her high-pitched low roar, the sky suddenly became dark and cloudy, as black as a thick ink!


At the same time, it was accompanied by the violent roar of thunder and lightning, which made people's ears numb, and countless dim lights condensed out in the dark sky. Even looking at the faint flames would send chills to the bones of people!

Not to mention hitting people!

Nalan Yue's eyes couldn't help but darken, and then she heard the little guys in the space shouting in unison, "It's the dark flame, oh my god, how much does that crazy woman, Master hate you, to do such a thing?" Forbidden technique..."

"Crazy! Crazy! Such a dark forbidden technique will be backlashed by herself..."

Nalan Yue's expression changed when he heard the chatter of the little guys in the space. Even though he didn't know exactly what the dark flame was, he knew that it was extremely dangerous!
"Master, don't be dazed, run quickly, anyone who is burned by the dark flames will immediately be wiped out..."

"Master, hurry up—"

"My child, I'm not afraid of running out of firewood to keep the green hills!" Even the unknown old man couldn't help admonishing her, sighing faintly, even he couldn't deal with this evil dark flame at this time, let alone Nalan Yue who was just a martial artist up!
Are martial artists weak?In fact, it is not, at least it is difficult to look up to in front of ordinary people, but it is like an ant in front of absolute masters!

"I'm not stupid!" Nalan Yue rolled her eyes, she didn't run away in such a dangerous situation, she was crazy!
Yes, she really wanted to kill Lan Xin'er to vent her anger, but she never thought of being killed by this scum!
and so……

run -

Nalan Yue used almost all her strength to run against the billowing thunder and flames behind her!
As for Lan Xin'er, everything was ready, bright red flames suddenly appeared in the dark sky, and it seemed as if it could devour everything with its fangs and claws!
It reflected a bright light on the ground, and the leaves on the treetops were dazzlingly bright, making Nalan Yue's fast running body particularly conspicuous!
"Nalan Yue don't want to leave!" Seeing her figure, Lan Xin'er immediately roared, swung the long sword in her hand, and directly merged with the flames in the sky!

"Dark Flame, kill me—"

Her roar merged with the raging fire in the sky, and she looked extremely mournful in the silent forest, as if she was trapped with years of hatred!

(End of this chapter)

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