Chapter 812 Ziyou's Affection 10
The gloomy and evil dark fire rushed towards Nalan Yue like a tide, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees were immediately burned to pieces by the scalding heat!
Even at a distance of one thousand meters from the Dark Flame, Nalan Yue felt her back was scorching hot!

"Water element—" She gritted her teeth and summoned a wave of water element to protect herself, but the temperature of the water also increased step by step, reaching the temperature of boiling water.

This damned scum is going to put her to death again, damn it, ever since I came to this continent, I was the one who ran away every time!
Nalan Yue suddenly felt aggrieved, so she had no choice but to keep the tone in her heart and run forward with all her strength!

Lan Xin'er stood in mid-air with her hands behind her back, looking at Nalan Yue who was about to be swallowed by the flames of darkness, the corners of her mouth taunted, "Run, even if you run, you will die sooner or later anyway!"

Because... no one can escape the burning of the dark fire, this time she must burn Nalan Yue to ashes and get out of Ye Jin's heart completely!
The pride on her face became more and more intense, Lan Xin'er folded her arms, as if she was watching a play.

Go to hell, go to hell! ! !

The overwhelming fire came in waves, and Nalan Yue suddenly swayed in the fire like a scorched leaf.

100 meters...


Ten meters!

It can't be done, the fire of darkness will swallow her immediately, but Nalan Yue stopped, her eyes were full of firm light, she knew that she couldn't run away!

You can only fight hard!
"Hey, don't you run away?" Lan Xin'er's mocking voice echoed in the air, and she continued as if she remembered something, "If you don't run away, you can die obediently, oh... By the way, those friends of yours are dying when you die. After that, I will let everyone else go except Murong Qing'er, I don't want Ye Jin to feel heartbroken!"

She knew that Murong Qing'er and Nalan Yue were the best friends, and Feng Chu and the others were Ye Jin's friends, she would not kill them all!

"Bah!" Nalan Yue took a sip, even in the fire that filled the sky, her arrogance still couldn't be wiped out.


Lan Xin'er's most hateful thing is here, saying that in order not to make Ye Jin sad, she didn't know that she hurt Nalan Yue was stabbing Ye Jin in the heart!
She won't understand, who made her love selfishly!
"It's time for you to go!" Lan Xin'er moved the long sword in her hand again, suddenly the wind and clouds surged, and the world became dark and terrifying.

The countless dark flames that had originally stopped on top of Nalan Yue's head immediately shrouded them at the speed of light following her order, wrapping Nalan Yue from the beginning to the end.

The scorching fire instantly engulfed Nalan Yue inside, bit by bit, until finally nothing could be seen.

The world slowly became silent, the faint fire of darkness kept burning, and Lan Xin'er's face full of joy!
As long as five seconds, Nalan Yue will definitely die!
As for Nalan Yue, she didn't move from the falling of the dark flame to the whole process of surrounding her. It wasn't that she didn't want to move, but... she couldn't move!

Well, I can't move!
Being engulfed by the dark flames, Nalan Yue could only feel the turbulent heat waves piercing into her body bit by bit, the kind of heart-piercing pain could almost make people collapse!
The dark flame is different from ordinary fire. Ordinary fire usually burns the skin first, but the dark flame starts from the inside of the body. A little spark can wipe out an internal organ.

Not to mention that Nalan Yue is currently surrounded by dark flames all over the sky, what kind of pain even Nalan Yue can't last for a few seconds!
(End of this chapter)

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