Chapter 813 Ziyou's Affection 11
The fire of darkness entered Nalan Yue's throat first, the burning pain was like a bleeding wound being poured with pepper water.

The pain spread instantly...

The flames almost blinded people's eyes, and the wave after wave of pain made Nalan Yue's legs weak instantly. When she finally couldn't hold on, fortunately the small dagger was deeply inserted into the ground, otherwise she would have fallen to the ground directly!
Damn Lan Xin'er!

Nalan Yue clasped her neck with her hands, her face turned red, she could hardly breathe, let alone speak, she could almost feel that her throat was about to break!

But the fire of darkness is still spreading throughout her body step by step, entwining her little by little like vines, especially the heart!
Obviously every inch of skin on the outside of her body was intact, but her internal organs seemed to be roasting on fire!

The little god stood up to wrap her heart, but it could only wrap the heart, the dark flame was too powerful, even if it wrapped a heart, it would burn to death!
The sweat on Nalan Yue's face was really like rain, falling in streams, and she could clearly see that the branches and leaves of the little god tree were withering at a very fast speed.

The little god tree was originally a god-level pet plant that could not resist the dark flames. It can be seen how powerful the dark flames are!

Although Xiaofenghuang and Xiaobai were in the space, the scalding temperature still hit their faces. The two little guys looked at their master in the sea of ​​fire and the little god tree that was about to wither and die, and turned around anxiously.

"What should I do, is the master going to die!" Huh, Xiaobai was crying, although the master and other pets of the master are always bullying it, but it doesn't want everyone to die!
"Shut up!" Little Phoenix slapped her on the head unceremoniously. It was already trapped in the sea of ​​fire, and it was really annoying to keep crying!
The most important thing to do now is to run for your life. Little Phoenix immediately opened the door of the fantasy castle, "Grandpa Wuming, please save the master—" Little Phoenix immediately moved out the rescuer!

The nameless old man floated out of the small castle in the illusion, and sighed faintly, "Surrounded by the fire of darkness, the teleportation stone cannot be used, and people from the outside world can't get in, and people inside can't get out, unless..."



Outside the monstrous sea of ​​flames, Lan Xin'er was sitting leisurely on the top of a tree, shaking her two slender legs from time to time, admiring Nalan Yue's ugly appearance.

Such a lazy posture was in stark contrast to the torment Nalan Yue was suffering at this time!
She pursed her red lips slightly, with joy in her eyes, "Five..."



There are two seconds left, after two seconds, there will be no more Nalan Yue in this world!
And it's impossible for Nalan Yue to just let herself die here, as early as the last second, she had already discussed with the unknown old man and decided to enter the space bracelet and leave!

This is the only way now, although doing so may expose his phoenix bracelet, but in this world there is life to have everything!
"Get ready to go—" Nalan Yue raised her hand and wiped her sweat with difficulty, with cold hatred flashing in her eyes, she really underestimated the madness of this woman, Lan Xin'er!

To put it bluntly, it is for love, to put it bluntly, it is a psychopath!

"One..." Outside, Lan Xin'er just counted to the last number, she couldn't help being ecstatic, took a deep breath as if all the depression of many days had disappeared, "Haha, Nalan Yue, you...damn, Xiao Ziyu, get out of here!!"

(End of this chapter)

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