Chapter 814 Ziyou's Affection 12
All of a sudden, Lan Xin'er's tone changed suddenly and even swear words popped out. Looking at the man who was suddenly rushing towards the dark flames, she roared, and immediately raised her sword to kill him!
What's so good about that little bitch Nalan Yue, one or two men are risking their lives for her!

Damn it——

Ziyou raised her hand to lower the temperature of the dark flame, and seeing that Nalan Yue was not injured, she immediately rushed to fight with Lan Xin'er.

And Nalan Yue originally wanted to enter the space and then dig a tunnel to leave by the little god tree, but suddenly felt that the temperature of the surrounding flames instantly dropped!

But it was just like holding the clock, and then she heard Lan Xin'er's roar outside, as well as the sound of fighting.

Xiao Ziyu actually came?
Nalan Yue's eyes widened instantly in surprise, and then took advantage of the moment when the dark flames were weaker, "whoosh" picked up the small dagger and flew out.

The howling hot wind rubbed against her ears, the surrounding temperature was still scaldingly hot, but at least she didn't feel the pain of internal organs being burned, and she also felt that her dantian was full of swelling!
The bottleneck that has not been moved for a long time seems to be loosened, which seems to be a precursor to promotion...

Could it be that she is going to be a blessing in disguise? ? ?

Before Nalan Yue was really sure whether she wanted to be promoted, two golden rays of light fell on her body, and she became a nine-star martial artist in one fell swoop!

Such a big movement by her naturally caused Ziyou and Lan Xin'er to stop fighting when they saw her.

Ziyou strode forward and looked her around, "How does it feel inside the body?" He knew that the dark flames burned from the internal organs!

"It's all right." Nalan Yue shook her head, and suppressed the light all over her body. This time, thanks to her timely promotion, most of her injuries have recovered!

"Nalanyue actually let you escape!" Lan Xin'er clenched her fists tightly, her annoyed eyes staring fiercely, "And you, Xiao Ziyu! Since you are so reluctant, let's fight against the desperate mandarin duck together go!"

The long sword in her hand swung towards the dark sky again, "swipe" and cut through her palm, and blood rushed out immediately - while the long sword was absorbed bit by bit!

"Dark flames, let's burn more violently—" Her blood merged with the raging fire all of a sudden, and the whole sky seemed to be on fire in an instant, it was frighteningly red!
Seeing this scene, Nalan Yue was startled, compared to the previous dark flame, this time is the most powerful!
"Oh my God, it's a blood sacrifice, she's making an exchange with the devil!" Little Phoenix couldn't help shaking the fluffy feathers all over his body.

"Crazy woman, crazy woman!" Xiao Bai yelled!
When it comes to blood sacrifice, Nalan Yue knows that exchanging her own blood with the devil, this kind of thing that shortens her life and cultivation base, she couldn't help but smile wryly, Lan Xin'er is really crazy to take her life up!
Seeing that the blood-red fire was burning the sky, it was about to fall down——

"Go!!!" At this moment of urgency, Ziyou immediately grabbed her arm, and the two rushed towards the periphery quickly.

Lan Xin'er used the blood sacrifice technique, they had no choice but to escape, otherwise they would all die inside!
"You all forced me, you all forced me!!" Lan Xin'er, who was burning with anger, roared, directing the fire all over the sky towards them!


The fire, the monstrous fire, rushed towards them madly, and the raging hungry people fell on the bread!

(End of this chapter)

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