Chapter 819 The Firm Nalan Moon 2
The few people who heard the movement immediately looked at her, with hope in their eyes, but seeing Nalan Yue coming towards them, the light of hope disappeared little by little, and that bitch Lan Xin'er set a trap here up...

How could they let Nalan Yue come over to die? They immediately twisted their bound bodies and shook their heads desperately, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!"

Due to the fact that their mouths were sealed with glue, Yi and the others couldn't articulate their words clearly at this time, but Nalan Yue could tell from their fierce movements that they didn't want to walk over.

She couldn't help but pause, but she didn't find any danger when she looked at the people, but when she was about to look back, she saw a black thing counting down from the corner of her eye...

Although its appearance is very strange, once it is set with a countdown, it can be nothing but a bomb!
Lan Xin'er is really hateful to the extreme!
"Damn it!" Nalan Yue clenched her fists bitterly, and ran towards them quickly without stopping.

"No...well, Buyaoguo is here (don't come over)" Murong Qing'er and the others started to commotion again, seeing her recklessly rushing forward, their eyes were reddened.

Silly Yueyue, she came over after seeing a bomb, didn't she know she would die!I really thought I was a superman!

In the blink of an eye, Nalan Yue had crossed the thunder pool and successfully entered the forbidden area, squatted beside them, and tore off the tape from their mouths.

"Huh—boss, listen to me. I have studied this bomb. There should be some kind of mechanism set up below. If I guessed correctly, it must be aimed at you. Quick, get out of here immediately!!" The old Murong Qing'er finished speaking without even tying a knot, with an extremely anxious expression on his face.

"I won't leave you alone!" Nalan Yue gave her a firm look, but the nine cows couldn't pull her back, so she lowered her head and studied the bomb tied on the rope.

Xiao Ziyu died because of her, she couldn't let Qing'er and others die because of her!

Otherwise, she will live in pain and self-blame for the rest of her life!

"Yueyue, this is really not the time to joke, if you save us you will die!" Meng Luo, who has always been good-tempered, couldn't help but yell at her at this moment.

Yes, at this time Nalan Yue has seen the special nature of this bomb, once she disassembles the bomb and saves them, then she will die.

Otherwise, they will die!

This is a difficult choice, and Lan Xin'er does this on purpose, letting her choose between her life and her friends.

Ha ha……

"Yueyue, leave quickly, really, leave quickly, none of us will blame you..." Feng Chu persuaded her earnestly.

With a weeping voice, Bei Li'er slammed every word on everyone's body, "Sister Yueyue, leave us alone, although I am also very afraid of death, but if our lives are to be exchanged with yours, then We...would rather not!"

No one is not afraid of death, but living in this way of exchanging lives for lives is different from lingering on one's last breath!
"Don't say anything." Nalan Yue raised her head expressionlessly, staring at them with an indescribable sadness in her eyes, which made them feel terrified, and finally heard her self-deprecating voice , "My life alone is worth all of you!"

Her desolate voice could not help but make several people look at each other in dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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