Chapter 820 The Firm Nalan Moon 3
Murong Qing'er saw some clues from her face, and couldn't help asking cautiously, "Boss, you... what's wrong with you?"

"Yeah, Yueyue, you seem to have changed! Hey, why didn't you see Xiao Ziyu!" Feng Chu asked in surprise at the bottom of his rectal tunnel.

Immediately, Nalan Yue's fingers holding the bomb trembled, her eyes drooping and long eyelashes trembled violently, and she didn't make a sound.

She wanted to speak, but her throat was so choked that she couldn't make any sound.

"Yueyue, you, what's the matter with you?" Seeing her like this, Feng Chu noticed something was wrong with Nalanyue no matter how rough she was.

"Boss..." The boss she knew had never shown such a bald look!
After a long time, everyone heard Nalan Yue's light voice, "Xiao Ziyu save me..."

The tone was as soft as water drops falling from the leaves.

It was so light but hit everyone's heart.

Feng Chu almost blurted out, "How could this happen?!" Although they didn't like Xiao Ziyu, no one ever wanted him to die!
What's more, this kid actually died to save Nalan Yue... This clearly made Nalan Yue unable to forget him in his whole life!

"Oh my god, boss, what happened to you guys!" Murong Qing'er asked, she clearly remembered that she and Feng Chu were attracted by the sudden appearance of Nalan Yue, and it was only later that she found out that Nalan Yue was fake, so much so that she and Feng Chu were attracted by the sudden appearance of Nalan Yue. Xiao Ziyu left.

She never imagined that such a tragic thing would happen later!

"Yueyue, you said it! It's all our fault. If it wasn't for being attracted by that fake Kuo Lintian, all of this might not have happened!" Meng Luo and Lizi were also very anxious, shaking their heads guiltily.

"You don't have to blame yourself..." Nalan Yue smiled wryly, looking up at the sky in pain, trying to calm down her voice, "It's Lan Xin'er... Lan Xin'er used a blood sacrifice to make a deal with the devil, Strengthening the dark flame, Xiao Ziyu and Lan Xin'er died together to save me!"

After she finished speaking, she twitched the corners of her mouth feebly and concentrated on the bomb, not wanting anyone to discover her fragility at this time.

Although Nalan Yue did not reveal the details, Murong Qing'er and the others could still feel the intensity and danger of the scene.

"This lunatic, it turns out that everything was caused by her!" Feng Chu couldn't help sighing, she's crazy, all crazy!
Murong Qing'er clenched her fists tightly, with veins protruding from her bright face, she was very angry, "The dignified realm saint is so despicable, fuck it!"

Territory has always been the most holy existence in mainland people's hearts, and countless elixirs are circulated from there, but who would have thought it would be like this!
"It's useless to say anything now... Now, everyone, don't move." Nalanyue looked at the red, green and green wires, and took a deep breath, because at this time she had already dismantled the bomb to the most critical time! !
"No! Boss, have you forgotten that we still have survival bombs? Although asking for help is a cowardly act, it is much lighter than life..." The trace of reason left in her mind made her, Murong Qinger blurt out instantly .

Nalan Yue's hand holding the scissors paused, as if thinking of something, then smiled wryly, and whispered, "It's useless..."

Her survival bombs can't be used, so theirs are also unlikely, they are a team, not to mention the people who want to harm them are not stupid!

(End of this chapter)

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