Chapter 821 The Firm Nalan Moon 4
How could it be that she is the only one who is fake!

Murong Qing'er didn't believe it, and asked instead, "Why is it useless, just pull the rope at the bottom... Then the instructors will come here as quickly as possible!"

Looking at the unwilling Murong Qing'er, Nalan Yue couldn't help sighing, took the survival bullet in her hand, and pulled down the pull rope in front of her.

Murong Qing'er stared at the survival bomb expectantly, as if she had been staring at the survival bomb before, hoping for hope to appear.

However, it didn't...

Obviously, her survival bomb is also fake!
Murong Qing'er was speechless in astonishment, staring blankly at the Survivor Bomb who had been silent for a long time, and subconsciously asked, "How could this be! How could this be happening!!!" The more she spoke at the end, the more excited she became, her eyes were filled with unbelievable!
"It was mine before..." Nalan Yue smiled wryly, but there was coldness in her eyes.

Then who on earth changed their survival bombs, gave them hope but got a shattered one in return!
"How could it be!!" She also came from the first grade, and she has never heard of anyone encountering such a thing!

"Calm down, Qing'er! Try again with mine!" Feng Chu comforted her by touching her head, just about to take out her survival bomb, but realized that her space ring had already been taken away, "Damn, Damn it! I just remembered that it was taken away! How about you, Meng Luo?"

He moved to touch Munro again.

"Mine too..." Meng Luo and Li Zi said in unison, they both put the survival bombs in the space, while Murong Qing'er put them directly in their pockets.

"It's here with me." Hearing them talk about space things again, Nalan Yue remembered this, took out their things from the space, and handed them to them respectively.

They who took over the space didn't even have time to ask why they were here at Nalanyue, so they immediately scrambled and shouted, "Yueyue, try my survival bomb!"

Nalan Yue took the survival bomb from Feng Chu's hand and pulled it again, but nothing happened!

Then came Munro's, still nothing!
In the end it was Bei Lier, still nothing happened!

Seeing this scene, Murong Qing'er finally gave up, "Who on earth deliberately sent out a fake survival bomb! Fuck, I beat him so hard that his ancestors didn't even know him!"

Compared to Murong Qing'er's hissing at this time, Nalan Yue appeared extremely indifferent, it was a feeling of indifference down to the bone.

Because... She tried her best to make such a hiss before, but what's the use of that, can it change anything?

In the end all they have to do is be strong!
"This is all the herbs for this competition!" Nalan Yue took a deep breath, her voice was calm and indifferent.

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Murong Qing'er watched her take out the herbs, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

As if confirming the bad premonition in her mind, Nalan Yue picked up the scissors again and was cutting towards the last green wire.

"Don't—" Murong Qing'er roared sadly, "Nalanyue, you go! You go! If you don't go, Murong Qing'er will never recognize you as the boss again in this life, no, in the next life, in the next life! "

Murong Qing'er stared at the scissors she was about to drop, and threatened that if that nervous look could stand up, he would definitely fight her.


Her threat did not stop the speed of the scissors falling from Nalan Yue's hand.

"I just want you to live..." Nalan Yue smiled at the corner of her lips, but there was a comforting light in her extremely indifferent smile, as if she had obtained some kind of satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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