Chapter 822 The Firm Nalan Moon 5

The green wire was cut, and the countdown on the bomb stopped instantly, along with their breathing and the flow of space.


next second...

A crater suddenly appeared at the bottom of Nalan Yue's feet, it was extremely huge, dark and dark, it was spinning continuously, just like the legendary black hole!
And her body, which was half squatting on the ground, immediately fell down... But her expression was as indifferent as before, and there was no trace of fear in her eyes, as if she had already expected it.

The body fell section by section. In the huge and pitch-black black hole, her petite body became smaller and smaller with the rapid falling speed, as if a drop of water fell into a whole cup of ink.

"No!! Don't, Boss—"


In the end, only the stern roars of Murong Qing'er and the others remained, and... the last smile on Nalan Yue's lips, "I'll be fine!"

nothing will happen--

These words echoed in everyone's ears, and then her figure disappeared completely before their eyes!

This is a trap specially set by Lan Xin'er for her, how could it be all right!
"I'm going to save the boss!!" Even though he threatened not to recognize her as the boss, Murong Qing'er was still tear-stained and rushed towards the black hole recklessly.

"Qing'er—" Feng Chu exclaimed, and quickly caught up with her.

Meng Luo and Li Zi looked at each other and rushed towards the black hole without thinking about their own safety.

All of a sudden, the four of them rushed forward like sharp swords!

It's just... when Murong Qing'er was about to pounce towards the black hole, the spinning, huge black hole actually closed in an instant.

This is a very weird scene!
Murong Qing'er threw herself into the air like this, and fell directly on the slightly wet soil, gnawed a mouthful of grass, she stretched out her hand to grab it with a blank stare, her eyes were in disbelief.

It wasn't until she caught a piece of air that Murong Qing'er seemed to think about what happened before, and shouted up to the sky, "No!!!"

Once again, the boss disappeared before her eyes. In one day, the boss encountered several fatal dangers, from falling into the cliff, to the dark flames, and finally being sucked by this big black hole...

In modern times, the third sister who was raised by one hand was killed...

Boss, what did she do wrong? Why should everyone hurt her!
Murong Qing'er was discouraged and smashed her fist on the ground, a big hole was smashed out of the wet ground instantly, tears dripped unconsciously, soaking into the soil drop by drop.

"Qing'er!" Seeing her like this, Feng Chu felt pain in his heart, and gently picked her up from the cold ground, "Don't cry..."

Wiping away the wet tears on her face with her fingertips, Murong Qing'er grabbed his skirt and cried even harder, "What to do... Boss... Boss, will she die... Why is she so stupid? , I am useless! I failed to protect her well in modern times, and I still failed to protect her well in this world..."

"Don't cry, don't cry..." When she cried, Feng Chu became even more flustered. Murong Qing'er had never been able to laugh heartlessly. This was the first time he saw her being so heartbroken.

"Yueyue is not dead! Come here quickly—" This voice was like a sound of heaven at this moment, making everyone's hearts light up.

"Sister Yueyue is still alive?" Hearing Meng Luo's words, even Bei Li'er, who was crying in his arms, couldn't help but stare at him in surprise and joy.

(End of this chapter)

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