Chapter 823 The Firm Nalan Moon 6
"Sister Yueyue is still alive?" Hearing Meng Luo's sudden words, she couldn't help crying, and stared at him in surprise and joy.

And Murong Qing'er immediately jumped out of Feng Chu's arms, wiped her crying face and rushed towards Meng Luo, impatiently asking over and over again, "Really? Is this true?! "

She grabbed his arm excitedly, her eyes full of hope.

"Little Mencius, how did you know??" Feng Chu came after him with surprise and joy on his face.

Meng Luo nodded to them with certainty, and handed the locator in his hand to the two of them.

Murong Qing'er and Feng Chu immediately took over the locator, and sure enough they saw a red dot moving on it, this is Nalan Yue!

It's just that there are intermittent and constant interference on the screen. Before they can see the exact location of Nalan Yue, the positioning system suddenly turns black!
"Why is the phone crashing!!" Murong Qing'er flicked on the screen vigorously, but there was no response. She took out her locator and called out Nalan Yue's current position in disbelief.

It's a pity that it's the same as before, the screen went black after two flashes, as if something was interfering with the locator.

But what is certain is that Nalan Yue is not dead!
Having confirmed this point, Murong Qing'er finally felt better, and looked up at the few people, "Boss must still be alive, let's find her together!"

"it is good!"

"But what about the mission?" Bei Li'er pointed to the medicinal materials that were still lying on the ground. Nalan Yue had left this before falling into the black hole, the purpose was obvious!

But now it's only half an hour before noon...

"This..." Looking at the herbs on the ground, Murong Qing'er and the others immediately hesitated when thinking of this mission.

Yueyue had to be found, but the task was paid for with her life, so she had to complete it!
Seeing that everyone was in a dilemma, Bei Li'er volunteered to come out with her fists clenched, "Leave the medicinal herbs to me, and I will hand in the task. You stay here and look for Sister Yueyue!"

"No!" Meng Luo retorted her straight away, how dare he let this careless girl go by herself after encountering so many dangers along the way.

Bei Lizi shook his cuff pleadingly, showing a pitiful expression, "Meng Luo... just let me go, I promise there will be no danger!"

Meng Luo frowned and stared at her, his lips were pursed stubbornly, and he refused to agree with her to leave alone.

Just as she was about to reject this troublesome little girl again, she heard Murong Qing'er yelling elsewhere, "Murong Xuan——sister, stop!"

Immediately afterwards, she rushed over like a rocket.

The rest of the people immediately looked in that direction, and saw Murong Xuan's team passing by.

Wouldn't it be possible for Murong Xuan to help?
They also hurriedly followed Murong Qing'er to her younger brother's place, leaving the central part temporarily.

"Murong Xuan, do my sister a favor!" Murong Qing'er patted him on the shoulder and said out of breath, "Quick, submit us the task, the herbs are here!"

Her tone was extremely fast, and her movements were also extremely fast, she had already stuffed all the herbs in Murong Xuan's hands.

Murong Xuan looked at the herb in his hand, and it took him a while to react, and a few words came out of his mouth, "Sister, don't you know how to hand in the task yourself?"

"If I can pay, will I still want you!!" Murong Qing'er grabbed his ear and yelled at him.

(End of this chapter)

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