Chapter 824 The Mysterious Palace 1
Now that the life and death of the boss is uncertain, she who is riding a horse has no mood to hand in the task!
"Hiss——" Murong Xuan, whose ears were pinched, wrinkled his delicate face in pain, "Sister, sister... I was wrong... Please let me go... I, I will help you right away... Task!"

Only now Murong Qing'er let go of her hand in satisfaction.

"This... What happened to Boss Murong?" Seeing her hurried appearance, a male senior who was also the leader of the second grade couldn't help asking.

Murong Qing'er immediately waved to him, "Stop talking so much nonsense, hurry up and hand in the task, time is running out!"


Before the student finished speaking, Murong Qing'er stopped him impatiently, "What else is there to do!" Just hand in the task and it's over!

"But I've never heard that tasks can be handed over to others!" Under her glaring eyes, the senior said flatly, and shrugged helplessly at her.

Murong Qing'er was choked by him all of a sudden, yes, there is no competition where someone handed over the task!

Since it has never happened in the past, why don't they directly create this precedent...

Just as Murong Qing'er was about to say this, out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of Bei Li'er who was walking out with her chest upright, and she didn't understand what she was going to do when she heard her say, "I'm going to hand in the task with you, this is not someone else Hand it over!"

"Pear!" Meng Luo's face immediately sank, he was not afraid of anything but this little girl would be in danger.

"Meng Luo, I'm going with them, don't you feel relieved?" Bei Li'er blinked her big eyes, which were full of pleading, "Stop talking, you guys hurry to find Sister Yueyue, you know One second later, the greater the possibility of her encountering danger!"

Meng Luo was silent, but finally agreed, "Protect yourself!"

"Lizi, thank you so much!" Murong Qing'er immediately hugged her, and then said fiercely to the second-year senior like a threat, "You must protect her, do you hear me!!"

"Follow the boss!"

"Follow my sister! Brother will swear to the death to protect her safety!"

The second-year senior and Murong Xuan almost agreed in unison.

In this way, everyone was relieved, Bei Li'er immediately followed their team and left, while Murong Qing'er and the remaining two men went to the forbidden area to look for Nalan Yue again!



And what about Nalan Yue, who made everyone worry?
At this time, she was standing in front of an extremely luxurious door, no, more precisely, she was standing in front of a palace.

The majestic palace stands between the dark world and exudes a simple, mysterious and weird atmosphere.

The surroundings of the palace are full of enchanting Bianhua flowers, with distinct roots and stems, blooming without leaves, but even without the backdrop of green leaves, it still blooms seductively.

The bright red color was like a pool of blood, and it was swaying left and right even though there was no wind, and the sky was always so dark regardless of day and night, making the whole palace feel eerie.

Everything here is very strange.

Nalan Yue couldn't help raising her eyebrows, because she didn't know why she had to see everything around her.

Yes, she didn't die, because as early as the moment she fell into the black hole, she accidentally took out the teleportation stone from the space bracelet!

Remember this teleportation stone?It was Feng Chu who made a bet with her because of digging the magic crystal, and he lost in the end, and lost the teleportation stone he stole from the forbidden area of ​​the clan to himself!
(End of this chapter)

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