Chapter 826 The Mysterious Palace 3
Nalan Yue is looking forward to it beautifully in her heart...

Driven by curiosity, she opened the door, but when she opened the door, the string in her heart broke with a "bang!"
Hehe, leave the fart!It's almost like entering a haunted house by mistake!

The inside of the castle was pitch black, and the door behind it was automatically closed the moment she entered!
Nalan Yue leaned against the cold door, trying to pull it open but didn't move at all. Sure enough, getting in is easy and getting out is hard!
Alone in this dark environment, Nalan Yue inhaled lightly. Apart from some discomfort at the beginning, she now has clear eyes and calmness, looking at the darkness in front of her without a trace of fear.

Raising his hand indifferently, he took out a fist-sized night pearl from the space!

The soft light emitted by the Ye Mingzhu instantly illuminated her, illuminating the surrounding area of ​​[-] meters.

Nalan Yue saw the environment she was in, and then the corner of her mouth twitched invisibly. She only wanted to describe the scene here with dilapidated, desolate and other words!
The huge hall is empty, only a few dusty spider webs are falling on the mottled walls. There is only this floor here, but there are no doors or windows, which completely does not match the gorgeous appearance of the palace!
Nalan Yue was depressed, walked around the palace and found nothing of value, and there was also no danger as the nameless old man said.

Not to mention how to get out of here!
"Should I not come in?" Nalan Yue dragged her chin as she looked around the empty hall, wondering if she had done something wrong, maybe she could leave outside!
"No!" The nameless old man finally said, "Except that there is a passage in the palace, otherwise you will only be trapped here for the rest of your life!"


Nalan Yue shrugged, stood up and continued to walk around the hall, holding the night pearl to illuminate the surroundings.

There is nothing on the floor...

There's nothing on the walls either...

Nor on the fireplace...

Until, a small hole in the corner of the wall attracted her attention, with a diameter of less than one millimeter, like the eye of a needle.

If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all!

How can there be a hole?rat hole?It shouldn't be so small, not to mention mice, even ants may not be able to pass through it, besides, how can mice patronize such an empty place!
Nalanyue squatted down suspiciously, her eyes were firmly on the hole, she put on the non-marking gloves and touched it directly, when she touched the small hole, her eyes flashed with surprise!
It wasn't a hole, it was clearly just a raised thing, embedded in the wall like a transparent diamond.

The raised touch under the fingertips made Nalan Yue subconsciously press hard, but there was no change at first, but after a few seconds—Nalan Yue suddenly noticed that the speed of the airflow was accelerating, and there were strange sounds around.

It sounded like a rusty machine, every part screeching against each other!

A dangerous aura suddenly came to my face...

not good!

Nalan Yue's heart suddenly rang out, she couldn't allow her to think about anything else, the danger was not far away from her, she immediately ran up and leaned to the left.

The "Zeng" sword was firmly nailed to the wall, and only then did she narrowly avoid the sharp sword!
But before Nalan Yue breathed a sigh of relief, countless sharp swords emerged from the walls in all directions again, stabbing at herself!

(End of this chapter)

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