Chapter 827 The Mysterious Palace 4
Damn, I thought it was a mechanism to get out, but I didn't expect it to be a dangerous mechanism!
Nalanyue always felt that she had been tricked by herself again, so she took a small dagger and slashed while dodging.

But the long sword shot over wave after wave, as if it would never decrease.

Countless flying swords automatically circled in mid-air, gathered together as if they had made an appointment, and kept hitting Nalan Yue, and there was also a strange black smoke around them.

The black smoke not only greatly obstructed Nalan Yue's vision, but it was also poisonous!
Nalan Yue quickly took out the detoxifying western medicine and swallowed it, and even covered her eyes with an eye patch. Since the black smoke was in her sight, she might as well not use her eyes!
The same goes for ears!
Feeling the friction sound of the surrounding air flow carefully, when the air flow became huge in an instant, Nalan Yue immediately used the five-element array to send out various elements in an orderly manner!

For a while, the flying swords were knocked down non-stop, but they didn't decrease. Once they were knocked down, there would be more flying swords to make up for them!


Nalan Yue fought handsomely in the encirclement of flying swords, leaning back, jumping, turning over, every movement was perfect!

But going on like this is no way at all, Feijian is like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, wave after wave!
Nalan Yue was secretly anxious, but Fei Jian hit her mercilessly again, she was about to make a move, but suddenly, all the danger disappeared in an instant!

how so!
Although it should be a good thing that the danger has disappeared, judging by Nalan Yue's years of secret service career, it is likely to be a sign of a storm!

After tearing off the blindfold covering her eyes, what Nalan Yue saw was a peaceful atmosphere, the flying swords were gone, and even the black smoke was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The whole hall was eerily quiet, but the last second was still full of swords, guns, swords and halberds!
In such a strange and quiet environment, Nalan Yue could almost hear her own shortness of breath, she couldn't help asking the little guys in the space, "Do you know what happened just now!"

"No, it's just that all of a sudden these flying swords and black smoke disappeared!" Several little guys said in unison, leaning on the small window of the space, and looked outside suspiciously.

That would be hell!
Nalan Yue stared closely at her surroundings, feeling that it would not be too peaceful for too long. Sure enough, just as she was about to move her feet, the flying sword that was concealed before came out again.'s really a harbinger of a storm!
Nalan Yue immediately picked up the small dagger to defend against them, only to find that these flying swords were constantly spinning in the air in a complicated posture.

It's not like attacking her at all...

Nalan Yue couldn't help being stunned for a few seconds, squinting her eyes and saw a floor surrounded by flying swords, a floor suddenly opened, and the gap became bigger and bigger...

In the end, it opened up to the size that can accommodate a person. It is a hole, of course, it should be a tunnel to be more accurate.

The distance is too far and there are countless flying swords to resist, Nalan Yue is not sure what it is, but maybe it is related to whether she can leave here!

So she had to step up and take a look!
But the flying swords all over the sky are like a solid barrier, hovering over the tunnel in an orderly manner, sharp like eagles, waiting to tear the intruders to pieces at any time!
"So what about the eagle, what about the flying sword..." Those who stand in my way die! !
Nalan Yue picked up a strand of hair that had fallen by her ear, sneered faintly, then lifted her feet vigorously and kicked the wall behind her, using her strength to fly directly into the air!

(End of this chapter)

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