Chapter 828 The Mysterious Palace 5
Wu Bo's eyes looked at the cold sword, she frowned and thought, the flying swords came from eight directions, and the swords coming from each direction were like well-trained soldiers.

The average time for the flying sword to change direction is about 0.1 seconds each time, and the interval between them is no more than 2cm. In this way, each time there is only 0.05 seconds of emptiness!

Nalan Yue kept making various calculations in her mind until she got the final answer.

What is the concept of 0.05?Faster than a drop of water can fall, faster than blinking and breathing!

Nalan Yue couldn't help crossing her arms, her brows lowered slightly, that time was really too short, and it was very likely that she would be beaten into a hornet's nest before she entered!
Then she used the small dagger to prepare for a strong attack, but once the small dagger attacked these flying swords, they would take part of them to chase after her!


After finally dealing with this group of flying swords, Nalan Yue was almost exhausted, leaning on the wall panting, sweat dripping down her forehead.

This group of flying swords is clearly to protect the tunnel, so if the owner wants to go in, he can't just grab the chaotic swords tightly!

and so……

"By the way..." Nalan Yue seemed to have thought of something suddenly, she raised the corners of her lips in a smile, and immediately stood up straight and pressed towards the small transparent bump.

Ding - it makes a slight sound.

Sure enough!

A faint light flashed across Nalan Yue's eyes, the reason why she only remembered to press the bump at this time was because she had fallen into a misunderstanding.

I think this mechanism can only be pressed once, and then it will have no effect, but this is not the case, its second click is likely to be the key to disarming these flying swords!
The reason why Nalan Yue can be so sure is because she has already turned over the entire palace before that, and there is nothing strange about it except here!
When the mechanism was pressed again, the wall that Nalan Yue was facing suddenly changed, and the wall peeled off with a "cough".

Nalan Yue raised her eyes and saw that the originally mottled wall had turned into an LCD screen.

A picture of a game is displayed on it!


Nalan Yue's jaw almost dropped in shock. This is a classic game, Sokoban, but to be more accurate, it is actually the mechanism that controls the flying sword!
"You look so advanced..." Nalan Yue approached the wall while touching her chin, looking at the position of the box above, she thought of the position of the flying sword!
Nalan Yue immediately understood how to take the first step, push to the left three times, and then push down two blocks - it is the northwest direction!
"Swoosh!!!" The sound of the flying sword cutting through the air made Nalan Yue narrow her eyes, and the sword from the northwest went straight back!
It was so!
Whichever direction you push the box, the flying sword in that direction can return to its original position!
Don't look at the simplicity of the first one, but there are many obstacles in the back, she has to go around the cloth non-stop, and the number of steps is only [-], that is to say, she can only pass eight boxes successfully over the obstacles within [-] or less. Then return to the original position!

What a brain-burning game!

But Nalan Yue played with ease, until something happened to the last one!

At this time, there were still three steps left in the count of steps. Nalan Yue just swiped her hand up, thinking about how to move her to the northwest direction, when she saw the box she pushed was glowing red on the screen!

A mine is shown above!

Grass, push it to the mine!

(End of this chapter)

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