Chapter 829 The Mysterious Palace 6
Nalan Yue didn't have time to think about why, so she immediately pushed the box to another place. At this time, there were only two steps left!

But still failed to change the rule of punishment for stepping on landmines, cold swords suddenly appeared on both sides of the screen, like a fork and a knife used when eating steak, suddenly inserted from the left and right directions!

Seeing the danger, Nalan Yue immediately bent down, clenched the small dagger tightly, and knocked off the two swords in a difficult posture.

The cold sword that fell on the ground disappeared instantly, as if it had sunk into the ground.

"Obviously there were no landmines in this place before..." Nalan Yue stood firm and frowned suspiciously. Yes, there were no landmines in the place she pushed just now, and it only appeared after she pushed it!
Could it be that there are invisible mines in this game? !

No matter what, Nalan Yue's vigilance has suddenly increased this time, and there are two steps left before she has to move the last box to the southwest corner!

The last two steps, success or failure in one fell swoop!

Nalan Yue took a deep breath, her eyes glowed calmly, and when she looked down, the landmine appeared again - a red alarm sounded on the screen.

Cold swords shot out from both ends of the screen again!
However, there was only one last step left, Nalan Yue couldn't control the mines and Feijian anymore, she just pushed the box and turned right!

Perfect! ! !

Not only the two flying swords next to the screen retreated, but even the flying swords surrounding the tunnel disappeared without a trace at this moment!

The surroundings are quiet again!

This tranquility is not a harbinger of a storm, but utter calm!
Nalan Yue knew that all the dangers here had been eliminated by herself, but the tunnel there... maybe there is no danger!
She blew on the small dagger, walked there steadily step by step, and stopped beside it.

This is indeed a tunnel, the inside is pitch black, Nalan Yue took out the previous night pearl to light it up, under the soft light, one can only vaguely see the steps one after another, it looks very wide and narrow at a glance!

As for how deep it is or what is there but can't see it, even the perspective skills can't capture the inside!

"It seems that we can only go down!" Nalan Yue raised her eyebrows and said to herself, then asked in a low voice to the unknown old man in the small castle in the illusion, "Do you know where this tunnel leads to?"


No one responded.

"Uh," Nalan Yue suddenly thought that the nameless old man didn't know much about this place, and her question just now was completely useless, "Pfft, I don't know if you should say something anyway!"

It's very self-explanatory to keep silent like this!
"Ahem, nonsense, old man, I was in retreat just now!" So I didn't hear it!

"Oh! Then you suddenly left the closed door again?" Since it was closed, how could you leave the closed room so quickly? Please, can you type the draft first before telling a lie next time!
The nameless old man whose truth was exposed immediately blushed, "Hmph, you should take a look at that tunnel first, it will be closed soon!"

As soon as she heard that the tunnel was about to close, Nalan Yue was in no mood to talk to him immediately, she looked down and saw that the tunnels on both sides were about to close!
This may be the only clue to get out, she doesn't want to miss it!

Finally, Nalan Yue didn't bother anymore, and immediately ducked in and walked down the stairs, only the Ye Mingzhu gave off a faint light.



The entrance of the tunnel was closed, making a slight sound, but in this quiet and gloomy tunnel, it seemed to be amplified a thousand times.

(End of this chapter)

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