Chapter 830 The Mysterious Palace 7
The loud and terrifying sound produced a series of strange and continuous echoes.

Nalan Yue squinted her eyes, and walked down step by step. The long steps were so dense that she couldn't see the end at a glance.

The aisle of the steps is wide and narrow, and at most one person can pass through. She observed everything around her while walking, and the carvings on the walls were weird and mysterious.

There were unburned candles on the empty candlestick, and Nalan Yue lightly lit them, one after another.

Suddenly the whole tunnel was bright as day!

At this time, Nalan Yue had walked thousands of steps, but when she looked down, she still couldn't see the end.

It's weird, there will never be an end!

Nalan Yue suddenly felt a sense of dread in her heart, it was not fear but a feeling of scalp numbness.

But she had already come in and she had no way out, so she gritted her teeth, and Nalan Yue accelerated her steps down the stairs!

Perhaps it was because of the firm determination in her heart that Nalan Yue forgot the time and tiredness, and finally she let out a long breath when she stepped down the last step!
"Pfft, a full ten thousand steps!" Yes, a full ten thousand steps!

This is equivalent to a [-]-floor building. When she thought that she had just climbed [-] floors on foot, Nalan Yue had a deep urge to go crazy!

Really tired!At this time, Nalan Yue was holding onto the wall, breathing heavily, but her eyes were wandering around. She was in an unfamiliar environment, and she was used to taking everything around her into her eyes.

In fact, there is no difference between here and the main hall above, except for a few more altar-like things and some strange murals on the walls.

No, more importantly, there are many babies here!
All kinds of gold and silver bottles and jars piled up the altar to the brim, and the boxes of jewels on the ground gave off a seductive light that could blind people's eyes.

altar?Aren't these all sacrifices?
Could it be that here is...

Is it...the mausoleum? !

In order to verify the idea in her mind, Nalan Yue couldn't help but took two steps forward, turned her head to look to the left and right, and saw that there were still many pits here, and there were stone figures standing in the pits, which looked so much like Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Warriors and Horses up!
But now Nalan Yue will not be stupid and really think that this is Qin Shihuang's tomb!
Since it was left behind by the demons, then this mausoleum must be related to the demons. According to the degree of luxury, it must be a very important figure of the demons.

Maybe I can find it for her...

Nalan Yue hooked the corners of her lips, and walked towards the altar, to be precise, towards the piles of shining gold.

She's interested in money, but now she's even more interested in skulls on gold!
Yes, there are one or more dead bones of people on a box of gold, each of them is holding onto the box tightly, it is not difficult to see that they must have been very greedy when they were alive!

Looking at the well-preserved bones, Nalan Yue frowned slightly. What she was curious about was how these people died!

From their intact bones, it can be seen that neither homicide nor poisoning!
That's weird, it can't be suicide!
"Pfft, how is it possible!! Who is not a fool, seeing so much money would choose to commit suicide?" Nalan Yue was immediately laughed at by his own weird theory. It is possible to say that the spoils are not evenly distributed between several people, but it is obvious that Several people died at the same moment!
Then... why is this!

(End of this chapter)

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