Chapter 832 Ice Coffin 2
It almost occupied the entire altar!

The giant tripod was round in shape, two meters in diameter and one meter high, with raised corners. It was engraved with dark and incomprehensible characters, resembling characters from ancient times.

Anyway, Nalan Yue couldn't read the words on it!

She raised her eyes faintly, looked around and saw that there was no danger, and the stone man did not move. She couldn't help but wonder, could it be that this is not something important?

So stone people are indifferent?
Or was she guessing everything wrong?

Nalan Yue didn't know all these things, and she was full of questions but no one could answer her!

Then she can only rely on her own stumbling to find out the truth and find out the way to leave!

Nalan Yue looked at the tripod for a while, only to realize that the tripod seemed to have no bottom, yes, no bottom!

Looking from the top down, if you look at the inside of this giant tripod, you will find that you can't see its bottom at all, but it is clearly only one meter high from the outside!

How weird!
Nalan Yue smashed her tongue, and subconsciously touched the edge of the giant cauldron—however, the moment she grasped the giant cauldron with her hand, she suddenly felt something explode in her ear, and there was a bang. She can no longer hear any sound.

But before her eyes, a slender and handsome figure suddenly appeared, holding a long sword, and walking towards her step by step, that kind of thick murderous aura would make it difficult for her to breathe every time she approached, and her heart seemed to be hit by a big hammer Down.

I saw Nalan Yue's lips trembling, and her eyes called out two words in disbelief, "Ye Jin..."

Yes, what she saw was that Ye Jin was coming to kill her with a long sword!
But why?

What did she do wrong, she actually wanted to treat herself like this!

At this moment, Nalan Yue had already forgotten that Ye Jin was still at the border of the mainland!
And Ye Jin in front of her smiled coldly, without any emotion, as if she was just a stranger opposite!

And after him, there was another woman wearing a modern chiffon skirt, with a quiet face but a sneer in her eyes, pointing the gun in her hand at herself!

She is clearly the third child who killed her in modern times!

Nalan Yue's eyes widened in disbelief, she looked at these two people, but what shocked her even more was that more and more people were coming to kill her!
Qing'er, Fengchu, Meng Luolizi... So far, Nalanyue has discovered a rule, as long as anyone who has suffered a little injury because of her, they are all gathered together now!
Especially Xiao Ziyu, he smiled warmly, but the corners of his mouth were full of evil, with a little sadness, "Yue'er, it's so cold out here, you said you want to avenge me, why did you forget...then you Come and stay with me...I love you so much, you just love me a little... Be good, come down and stay with me!"

Immediately afterwards, he also drew out his knife, and wanted to kill her as coldly as the others!
"I'm sorry!!!" I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, if it wasn't for her, they wouldn't have to suffer so much trouble, especially Xiao Ziyu!
Xiao Ziyu was the most innocent to die!
Nalanyue wept at the corners of her eyes, she simply closed her eyes, she was sorry for them, they should have killed her...

But in the eyes of Little Phoenix and the others, Nalan Yue just closed her eyes at this moment, with a look of death, and then wiped her neck with a small dagger——

Depend on!
Master, is this a brain twitch!Actually playing suicide!

"Zeng!!" The little dagger made an annoyed sound, trying to escape from its palm. Nonsense, although the owner is committing suicide, it is the tool that can be used!
(End of this chapter)

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