Chapter 833 Ice Coffin 3
What's the difference between this and being killed by it!
But the strength of Nalan Yue's hand at this time is really terrifying, and he can't allow it to break free, so the little dagger can only helplessly lean its sharp blade against her delicate neck...

It's over, it's over!
It simply rolled its eyes and fainted from fright!

"Pfft!" Little Fenghuang and the others were almost made to cry by the little dagger's cowardice, brother dagger, at least you continue to struggle a few times!

Could it be that he really wants to watch his master commit suicide!
The little dagger has no choice, this heavy responsibility can only fall on Xiaofenghuang and Xiaobai, the two little guys are also smart people, so they went directly to the unknown old man for help!

Originally, when the nameless old man was ridiculed by Nalan Yue before, he changed from a fake retreat to a real retreat, but now he was quarreled by them, and the nameless old man immediately became angry!

"You two bastards want to die... Fuck, is this girl having a brain twitch and is playing suicide now?" Seeing Nalan Yue wiping her neck outside, the nameless old man swears instantly and throws the two little girls down. Guys, hurry up and float outside.

Seeing the scene where Nalan Yue was about to wipe her neck with a small dagger, the unknown old man couldn't laugh or cry, but his eyes were tightly drawn to her right hand.

Her right hand was holding onto the edge of the giant cauldron, her five onion fingers were still trembling, as if she was heartbroken.

not good!

After all, the unknown old man has seen a lot, even if he doesn't know what Nalan Yue is going through at this time, he still understands that it must be related to this tripod!
After all, he knew the little girl's tenacity, and she definitely did not commit suicide voluntarily!

The nameless old man's eyes jumped, and when she was about to cut a blood vessel in her neck, he immediately hit her right hand with the palm of his hand.

At this time, Nalan Yue saw that these people were about to pierce her heart, but suddenly there was a numb pain in her right hand, which made her tremble.

And the pain was like a pot of cold water in winter, pouring her from head to toe in an instant, the unprepared Nalan Yue suddenly opened her eyes, her vision was bright, and then she looked for someone who wanted to kill her!
It was clear that she was still in the mausoleum of the demon clan, but she had just seen with her own eyes that Ye Jin, Xiao Ziyu and Qing'er were coming to kill her, and she was willing to let them kill her!

Could it be that all this is my own illusion!


Why did the nameless old man next to her come out and look at her like an idiot? ?

Nalan Yue glanced at him, feeling that something was wrong, subconsciously looked down, and saw that she was wiping his neck with a small dagger!

As long as it is a few centimeters closer, she can hang eggs!

"Fuck!" Nalan Yue threw away the small dagger, as if frightened, "How could this be..."

Could it be that the previous hallucinations were just used to confuse people, and it was true that she committed suicide by raising her sword?

Nalan Yue's complexion suddenly changed, and the doubts surrounding her heart were blown away by the wind, she understood!

Really understand!
Just now she just grabbed the edge of the giant tripod and seemed to be immersed in another world, so they must be like her, suddenly fell into the world of hallucinations at the moment they grabbed the jewel!

So much so that he couldn't extricate himself, and in the end he killed himself!
After thinking about it, Nalan Yue's back was soaked in cold sweat, it was terrible, if it wasn't for those little guys and the unknown old man, maybe she would be a corpse now!

The Mausoleum of the Mozu is really evil!
(End of this chapter)

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