Chapter 834 Ice Coffin 4
The Mausoleum of the Mozu is really evil!
"Understood?" The nameless old man brushed his beard aside, and gave her a casual look.

This girl just has too many knots in her heart. If these things are not resolved, this girl's future cultivation path will probably stop!

"I want to understand..."!

Before Nalan Yue finished speaking the last word, the unknown old man beside him suddenly yelled, his tone was full of anxiety and even a trace of fear, "Quick, run, jump into the giant cauldron, the stone man will wake up!" Already!!"

What?The Stone Man has awakened!

Nalan Yue was slightly startled, and saw dozens of stone figures "crackling" moving, striding forward with extremely flexible movements, almost indistinguishable from living people!
Probably ignoring their appearance, it is estimated that they will be regarded as real people!
She thought that this giant cauldron was not something the stone man wanted to protect, but now it seems that it must be!
But... Nalan Yue guessed that there might be another reason, that is, because she was not created by the hallucination and committed suicide, so the stone people came to kill her, otherwise they should have come at the moment the giant cauldron appeared!

"Why are you still standing there, jump quickly!" The unknown old man continued to shout, and those stone men were already a few steps away from them!
"Are you sure you can jump here?" Nalan Yue frowned, pointing into the bottomless giant cauldron.

The unknown old man was so anxious that he was about to smoke, and his tone was very bad, "Don't dawdle, these stone men are all at the level of magic generals, they can smash us to pieces with one move, maybe there is still a glimmer of life by jumping here, If you stay here, you will surely die!"

Although he couldn't predict what was under the giant cauldron, he knew that staying here would be a dead end!
Under the choice of certain death and a chance of life, Nalanyue decisively chose the latter, she still wants to avenge Xiao Ziyu, she still has someone who loves her and someone she loves, so she can't die!
At the last moment when the demon general was about to catch up, Nalan Yue immediately jumped into the bottom of the giant cauldron, as long as there was a glimmer of life, she couldn't give up!
The bottom of the giant cauldron is still pitch black. This kind of blackness cannot be illuminated even with a lamp!
Because she couldn't see anything, Nalan Yue's other senses were extremely sensitive at this time. She could hear the extremely fast wind in her ears, the speed of her fall, and the small friction sound of the air flow.

Everything that was originally difficult to detect seems to be magnified countless times now, and it is difficult not to hear it.

Falling into such an unknown place, coupled with the boundless darkness, even Nalan Yue couldn't help beating her heart. She wanted to enter the space, but found it strange that she couldn't enter the space!

It seems to be blocked by something!

Nalan Yue was startled, touched her arm, the bracelet was still there, she tried to contact Xiao Fenghuang and the others, "Little Fenghuang, Xiaobai..."

There was no response for a long time. Although Nalan Yuexin was nervous, she could guess the reason. It should be blocked.

As for her, she keeps falling... I don't know if she will fall into the year of the monkey!
Nalan Yue raised the corners of her mouth in self-deprecating again, the more darkness it is, the more it can arouse the sadness in her heart.

She couldn't help but think of the previous hallucination again, especially Xiao Ziyu who died for her!

As long as I think about it, I feel pain in my heart, unlike Ye Jin's helplessness and heart-piercing when he was hurt by her.That kind of pain was like a cold wind, which made her shiver, and it was an unbearable guilt!
Xiao Ziyu, you are so cruel!Be so hard on yourself! !
(End of this chapter)

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