Chapter 835 Ice Coffin 5
Nalan Yue couldn't help but close her eyes, her eyelashes trembling constantly, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you!


When her eyes opened again, they had turned into a pool of icy spring water!



At the same time, Murong Qing'er and the others had already walked into the central part of the Devil's Forest, and the only locator that could bring them hope kept flashing back and forth.

After a while, the coordinates of Nalanyue can be displayed, but after a while, the screen goes black again!
They could barely tell that Nalan Yue was at the deepest point, but they couldn't know the exact distance.

I thought it would continue like this forever, but who knew... Nalan Yue's figure suddenly disappeared from the locator, and she could no longer be located!
"Why is it gone? My lord!" Murong Qing'er exclaimed, and tapped the locator in her hand vigorously, but there was still no response. She asked Fengchu Mengluo next to her anxiously, " What about you? What about you!!"

Different from the previous black screen, this time Nalan Yue's coordinates disappeared from the locator!
"We can't show it either!" Fengchu Meng Luo said in unison, and both of them frowned deeply.

It disappeared from the location, one is because the signal is blocked, and the other is that its owner is dead!

"What to do... What to do... Is something wrong with the boss already!!" Murong Qing'er, who was so handsome before, turned around in a hurry like an ant on a messy pot, and became irritable.

What happened to the boss!
Have you encountered an enemy?Or something else... It's because of the unknown that it looks so scary!
Feng Chu grasped her trembling hands because of fear, and comforted her in a low voice, "No, definitely not, maybe the locator is broken, or the signal is weak where Yueyue is!"

"Really?" Murong Qing'er raised her head, the beautiful Danfeng's eyes were full of anticipation, like a child who stubbornly wants to be recognized by adults!
"Really!" Feng Chu couldn't bear to hit her, so he had to bite the bullet and answer.

"Don't say anything, hurry up and look for it!" Meng Luo, who is still reasonable here, hurriedly said to the two of them.



Mausoleum of the Demon Race.

[-] meters underground.

Nalan Yue who fell into the giant cauldron still felt that she was falling down, but, unlike before when she couldn't see anything, this time she saw a little light.

Maybe that's the end...

Nalan Yue was looking forward to this light in her heart, watching it grow bigger and bigger, she knew that the distance from the ground was not far away!! !

Nalan Yue turned around neatly, kicked two walls to reduce resistance, and then fell safely to the ground.

After landing, she couldn't help but look back, and saw a huge tree root standing in front of her eyes, the inside was empty, half hanging on the rock wall.

Looking up, the branches and leaves are luxuriant, and the old trees seem to hold up a big green umbrella just for this place.

The leaves kept falling from above, and the surrounding was eerily silent, as if he could hear his own heartbeat clearly.

Withdrawing her gaze from the ancient tree, Nalan Yue looked at other places. There were candlesticks hanging on the surrounding walls, faintly burning candles, and there were countless devices that were priceless.

Judging from the structure here, it should still be a mausoleum, an inner tomb or a hidden tomb.

Nalan Yue rubbed her chin, and when she looked to the southwest again, her eyes suddenly widened with curiosity
Is that an ice cube?Ice coffin?

Nalan Yue couldn't help being attracted, and strode towards the southwest, where there was an ice coffin about two meters long and one meter thick!

(End of this chapter)

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