Chapter 836 Ice Coffin 6
When she was still a few steps away from the ice coffin, Nalan Yue's heart beat faster, as if it was about to jump out of her chest, and even her breathing became rapid.

The sudden change made Nalan Yue almost take a step, she could only stare blankly at the ice coffin in a daze, for some reason, she felt unusually sad and familiar with this situation.

just like……

It was as if she knew the person inside the ice coffin!

How can it be!Nalan Yue was surprised, clutching her throbbing heart, gritted her teeth and dragged her two heavy legs towards the ice coffin.

The cold mist emerged from the ice coffin, so cold that it almost pierced into the bones, Nalan Yue shrank her shoulders and looked down at the people inside the retreat.

With just one glance, Nalan Yue can no longer look away!
This is Xiao Ziyu? ?

Her jaw almost dropped in astonishment, and she simply leaned on the ice coffin, ignoring the cold air flowing into her body.

She only has one thought now, and that is to see the man inside!

Inside the ice coffin, the man has picturesque features. Although the picturesque features are more like a description of a woman, but at the moment when it is used on him, it doesn't look feminine at all. Instead, it has an indescribable evil charm.

Evil and charming like the faintly blooming flowers of the other side, just like the flowers outside the palace of the demon clan!

Every facial feature of the man is as if sculpted by skillful hands, unmistakable, even with his eyes closed, his charm will not be affected in the slightest.

Tall and well-proportioned, the purple costume is embroidered with black and noble patterns, even the boots are gorgeous, and there is no part of his body that does not show his nobility and luxury.

This is a man who can't be forgotten at a glance!
There is no other reason, but he is too beautiful, really beautiful, domineering in beauty, and dominates the world!


But... these are not the reasons to attract Nalan Yue!

The reason why she was attracted was that this face was five points similar to Xiao Ziyu's, but if this evil temperament was removed, it should at least have an eight-point resemblance!

It is estimated that both parents and mothers may admit their mistakes here, do you think they look like them!
"Why is it like this..." Nalan Yue unconsciously held the corner of the ice coffin, her tender fingers were bruised and purple from the cold, "Who are you... who are you!"

She spoke words in a daze, her tone was very soft, as if she was afraid of scaring the man in the ice coffin.

Seeing the man's picturesque face, Nalan Yue's heart couldn't stop trembling, that overwhelming fire, that resolute figure...

Moon, I love you——



Nalan Yue suppressed the soreness in her eyes and turned her head away. She must avenge Xiao Ziyu, herself, and those fake survival bombs!

As soon as Nalan Yue thought that the survival bomb was a fake, she wished to tear the original author into ten thousand pieces. If it wasn't for this, maybe she would have been able to call her mentor in time at that time... Huh, Ju Ding?
Nalan Yue, who was planning revenge, was suddenly attracted by the tripod in front of the ice coffin, but it was not as big as the one she saw before!

Nalan Yue subconsciously left the ice coffin, but her legs went limp just as she stood up straight, but her legs were already numb due to the cold air for too long. The blood will flow freely!

After a few steps, he walked in front of the small tripod. This one is exactly the same as the giant tripod, and it feels like a cornucopia!

The difference is that the bottom of this small tripod is wide and narrow, and there are even strange symbols inside, like some kind of secret method.

(End of this chapter)

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