Chapter 838 Ice Coffin 8
It's a thousand miles away from the cute one in front of Nalan Yue before!

The whole dude!

The unknown old man shook his head in fear, "Nothing, nothing, haha... This old man can actually see the legendary invincible medicine cauldron in his lifetime! Little girl, you are lucky, not bad!"

As he said that, he fell down because of his excitement!
The sound of "gudong" made Nalan Yue feel pain for him, is it really okay to fall again at this age!

Just when Nalan Yue was still wondering if he had something to do, the nameless old man had already got up from the ground, with a smile on his face, he couldn't stop being cheerful.

That excited look is like a fan meeting an idol!
"Promise!" The Invincible Medicine Cauldron said with contempt.

Nalan Yue sweated deeply from the nameless old man, folded her arms, and stared at the invincible medicine cauldron expressionlessly, she only knew that it could make medicine, and she didn't know anything else.

"What are you useful for besides being able to refine medicine?" Don't think that you are invincible just because your name is Invincible Medicine Cauldron!

"I..." The invincible medicine cauldron, which was originally arrogant, suddenly withered at Nalanyue's place, twisting the body of the cauldron and said embarrassedly, "I can only refine medicine!"

Originally, this should be its pride, but I don't know why it made it a little inferior when it was said!
"Oh, just be honest." Nalan Yue spoke indifferently, as if she had no interest in him at all.

Actually otherwise, normally she would be interested in this little guy whom even the unknown old man respects, but with so many things happening today, she really doesn't have the energy to take care of other things!
Seeing her indifferent attitude, the unknown old man immediately slashed at her with hatred, "How can you talk to Senior Invincible? If you know we will leave, we will rely on him!"

"Hey, you stinky old man, dare to teach my master that he is looking for death!" Before Nalan Yue could refute, Invincible Yaoding immediately got angry and chased him to beat him.

"Senior, no, no, no, I didn't mean that..." The poor nameless old man was being chased by Yao Ding in a panic at this moment.

Nalan Yue stood in front of the ice coffin, her eyes swept over the two of them indifferently, and her gaze finally settled on the face of the man in the ice coffin.

Every time she looked at him, an inexplicable sense of sadness floated up in her heart, Nalan Yue attributed this to Xiao Ziyu's death, and the two of them were too similar, that's why it happened!
So... who is the man in the ice coffin!

Nalan Yue frowned, raised her eyes and squinted at Yao Ding who was running after the unknown old man, and said indifferently, "Come here!"

As soon as the invincible medicine cauldron heard the master's call, he immediately put down the old man who was chasing him like a dog, and rubbed towards Nalanyue in a fawning manner, "Master~"

"Straighten your tongue next time!" Nalan Yue frowned, pointing to the person inside the ice coffin, "Who... is he!"

The Invincible Medicine Cauldron was still immersed in the sadness of being complained about by its master, and almost didn't react when it heard the low voice.

When Nalan Yue looked over blankly again, the Invincible Medicine Cauldron came to his senses and shook his head hastily, "I, I don't make it, anyway, this man was already in the ice coffin when I was sealed here !"

"Who sealed you!" Maybe the person who sealed you may know the man in the ice coffin.

"Forget, forget!" The Invincible Medicine Cauldron almost died of shame, it almost became oblivious to all questions!

(End of this chapter)

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