Chapter 839 Ice Coffin 9
Forget it, anyway, he can't be Xiao Ziyu, so why should she go after a stranger to the end!
Nalanyue couldn't help laughing at herself, curling her mouth, showing a lonely expression, taking a deep breath, she suppressed all her emotions, and when she looked at the invincible medicine cauldron, she regained her composure, "Tell me, how to leave here."

It's getting late, I hope she can go back before the competition ends!
The invincible medicine cauldron circled in mid-air, and replied with a smile, "Master just needs to sit in my stomach!"

Its belly refers to the inside of the medicine cauldron!

"Then let's go!" Nalan Yue motioned for it to fall to the ground, turned around and glanced at the ice coffin behind him again, and said in a voice as light as nothing, "I will avenge you!"

Nalan Yue couldn't help but mistook him for Xiao Ziyu.




At the moment when Nalanyue was about to jump into the medicine cauldron, there was a slight sound all around, although it was small, it was still captured by Nalanyue.

"Who!!" Nalan Yue immediately stopped the movement of her feet, looked around vigilantly, and finally stopped at the root of the tree she fell from!

She was sure there was someone there!
Since she can find it here, so can others!
The small dagger was quietly held in the palm of her hand, and Nalan Yue's quiet eyes suddenly turned cold, and she walked towards it step by step.

And the sound at the root of the tree is getting louder...

Nalan Yue has already raised the small dagger, ready to kill the people or other things inside by surprise.


Just as he was about to cut the knife, he saw a dazzling red-clothed woman rolling down from inside, followed by another red-clothed boy, and finally a white-clothed boy!

"Qing'er!" Nalan Yue saw their faces clearly, immediately put away the small dagger, and hurried to their side.

Murong Qing'er was rubbing her sore buttocks when she heard that familiar voice, she immediately looked up happily, "Boss, I finally found you!"

After speaking, he jumped up!
Immediately, Nalan Yue's arms were full, and she was relieved to see that she had no injuries on her body. Then she looked at the two men who were getting up from the ground, "How did you find this place?"

"Here, use this to locate a ghost signal!" Feng Chu shook the coordinates that were still flickering in his hand, since the moment Nalan Yue disappeared from the locator, it returned to normal after a while!

That's why they were able to find Nalan Yue's whereabouts so quickly and accurately!

"En." Nalan Yue nodded slightly at them, raised her finger to summon the medicine cauldron, "It can take us out!"

Immediately, the invincible medicine cauldron circled in space, la la la, it was praised by the master!

Murong Qing'er glanced at it, and when she saw the ice coffin behind it, her eyes immediately widened in surprise, "Ice coffin? Grass, who is sealed inside?"

She walked there curiously, and when she saw the man inside the ice coffin, she immediately shouted, "Isn't this Xiao Ziyu!!"

"What!" Feng Chu and Meng looked at each other, looked at the ice coffin in disbelief, and immediately ran over.

In the same place, only Nalan Yue lowered his face, his expression shrouded in gloom, making it unpredictable.

No, there is another guy who is not in a good mood right now——Invincible Yao Ding hummed unhappily when he saw that his limelight had been taken away by the man in the ice coffin.

In front of the ice coffin, Murong Qing'er and the others were discussing that man.

"Why do you think he looks like Xiao Ziyu but not like him!"

(End of this chapter)

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