Chapter 843 Returning 1
what is this!
The other two looked at her in confusion.

Murong Qing'er took a sip of tea, and explained to them in detail, "Magic crystal coins are not real money, but special monsters that have this kind of thing in their bodies, but it is difficult to accumulate, and the magic crystal coins that Linglong Tower needs There are so many coins, fortunately, I can take advantage of this free opportunity!"

If Murong Qing'er, a prodigal woman, can say "how terrible", then it must be really terrible!


Nalan Yue suddenly felt that the pile of gold coins on her card was useless, and immediately turned into scrap copper and rotten iron!
The Invincible Medicine Cauldron had already taken out all the treasures it had collected over the years, and they also successfully left the tomb of the demons and arrived outside the palace.

Demon Palace
The bloodthirsty and gloomy Bana flowers are still blooming quietly, and the closed door is eerily eerie.

Nalan Yue looked away after taking a last glance, closed her eyes as before, and remained silent for a long time.

After leaving the central part of the Devil's Forest, Nalan Yue and the others came out of the Invincible Medicine Cauldron. The fresh forest air filled the nostrils, and they no longer had the feeling of oppression they had before.

"It's still a quarter of an hour before noon!" Murong Qing'er took a deep breath, and looked up at the dizzy sunlight above her head.

"If you hurry up, you'll still have time!" Feng Chu immediately pulled Qing'er up and said with everyone.

Everyone nodded, immediately mobilized the aura in their bodies, and immediately moved forward at a high speed.

It's just that Nalan Yue was a little absent-minded along the way...

At the same time, at the entrance of the Devil's Forest, many mentors and several elders gathered, even Principal Nanfeng and Ye Wuzun were there!
This is amazing!
But at this time, when Ye Wuzun heard Bei Lier say that Nalan Yue was missing, he was in a bad mood, but it didn't show on his face at all.

Nanfeng couldn't help giving him a look, hey, he's pretty good at pretending!

He really doesn't understand, just confess if he likes it, is it possible that he still wants to engage in some kind of master-student relationship?

Ye Wuwei frowned invisibly, and gave him a cold look.

Nanfeng immediately put away the reverie in his mind, understood the meaning in his eyes, and immediately recruited a team of well-trained soldiers, "Go, make sure to keep the rest of Nalan Yue's team safe!"

He didn't say that he only recruited Nalanyue because he didn't want Nalanyue to show off too much. After all, this girl's halo is too great!
"Yes!!" A group of people responded loudly immediately, and then set off towards the Devil's Forest at a high speed.

Looking at the disappearing figure of the soldier, Ye Wuzun pursed his lower lip hard, his facial expression turned cold a little bit, and the silver hair behind him made him even more chilly.

He also wanted to find her himself... But with so many people around, there might be enemy spies among them!
He can't and can't!

Ye Wu told himself over and over again in his heart that he must hold back, and Nalan Yue was almost discovered by that person just because he couldn't hold back!
So now he can't be soft-hearted no matter what, absolutely not!
Yue'er, forgive Master for being ruthless...

Nanfeng understood his feeling of indifference but suffering at the moment, so he came over and patted him on the shoulder as if to comfort him, and whispered in his ear, "She will be fine!"

Ye Wuyang pursed the corners of his mouth vigorously, then raised the corners of his mouth indifferently, "Mmm."

Nanfeng saw that he cared a lot but had to act like he didn't care, it really felt bad for him!

(End of this chapter)

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