Chapter 844 Returning 2
Fortunately, the team that was sent before has arrived and brought good news, "Report to the dean, they have returned safely!"

It's just that the game time has passed!
But this is nothing in the eyes of Principal Nanfeng, as long as there is nothing to do, it doesn't matter if you wait a few minutes longer.

"You go down first." Waved to the group of soldiers, and the group of soldiers immediately left in an orderly manner.

As soon as Nalan Yue returned safely, Master Ye Wuzun immediately raised his eyebrows and looked behind them——as expected, four beautiful figures came walking in unison, and every boy and girl inside seemed to have their own halo, which made people's eyes hard to see. Get out of their faces!

Especially Nalan Yue, whose indifferent and cold temperament immediately stood out from the group of people.

Ye Wuzun's eyes stayed on her face for a few seconds, and then he seemed to think of something, and immediately moved away reluctantly.

What is the difference between that appearance and the boy who wants to love but dare not love, Nan Feng couldn't help shaking his head again, he was really going to be scared to death by this old friend, but when he thought of the man behind him, Nan Feng immediately turned cold , compared to love and love, this girl's life is the most important...

Nanfeng stared at her closely, so naturally he couldn't escape Nalanyue's eyes, but she was not in the mood to pay attention to it now.

She just wants to know who replaced the survival bomb!

Nalan Yue raised her eyes and glanced around coldly, seeing that there was no figure of Teacher Yun Lu, she inevitably became irritable.

And at this time, someone who didn't understand came to provoke...

On the opposite side, Leng Xi'er stroked a strand of long hair, and said sarcastically, "Hey, it's fine to let us wait, but how can you let our college's principal, Ye Wuzun, and elders wait for you?" So long!"

Being provoked by her like this, many students around stared at Nalan Yue and the others with dissatisfaction. If it wasn't because they exceeded the competition time, they would have handed in tasks to the academy to receive credits!

Seeing that everyone was standing by her side, Leng Xi'er had to push forward, "Why are you in distress! How come you were neither injured nor dead!"

This sentence seemed to touch an untouchable string in Nalan Yue's heart, "Bang—" it broke!

The overwhelming fire came to my mind again...

Nalan Yue couldn't help clenching her fists tightly, veins appeared on her forehead, people who were close to her could hear the sound of her grinding her teeth!

Many people thought she was angry, but no one thought that in the next second, Nalan Yue suddenly exploded!
"Try to say it again!!" She yelled violently, and a few vines of the Little God Tree immediately sprang out from her wrist, tightly tightening Leng Xi'er's neck, her eyes were scarlet.

No one expected that Nalan Yue would suddenly hit someone in full view, and the distance between the two of them was so close, so by the time they realized it, Nalan Yue had already done everything.

Reining Leng Xi'er and lifting her into the air, the vines with thick arms almost strangled her thin neck!
It was so fast that even Leng Xi'er herself didn't react!

And Nalan Yue's eyes were filled with cold killing intent, his appearance was no different from that of Shura who came out of hell!
The powerful killing intent made everyone take a few steps back, stunned in place.

"Nalanyue... let me go!" Leng Xi'er desperately wanted to tear away the vines wrapped around her neck, and barely managed to utter a complete sentence, "You can control the world, but you can still control me Speak!"

(End of this chapter)

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