Chapter 847 The Witty Principal Nanfeng 1
The tone is majestic, beyond doubt!
Every word hit the tip of everyone's heart, and at this moment, everyone kept silent in unison.

"Third Elder, don't go too far!" Murong Qing'er, who had just reacted from this change, immediately trembled angrily, "Who do you think you are, just a Third Elder, there are still principals and venerables who haven't spoken yet , Furthermore, there are the First Elder, Second Elder, and the others, so it’s possible that this Azure Dragon Academy will only be decided by the Third Elder!"

"Or the whole continent is up to you!"

Murong Qing'er's words are more sonorous and powerful than those of the third elder.

Being slapped in the face by the junior, the third elder's eyebrows were almost twisted into knots, his eyes were about to split, he hugged Leng Xi'er with one hand, and immediately waved a cold light with the other hand, "Arrogant junior, eat old man!" one move!"

The cold light hit Murong Qing'er at a speed invisible to the naked eye, but Murong Qing'er dodged calmly, yelling loudly while hiding, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "Oh! Take a look, everyone, the third elder is going to kill the students Now, is that also going to be fired!"

In the end, he hid directly behind the principal Nanfeng, and made a grimace by the way!
Seeing that she was fine, Nalan Yue was relieved, otherwise, she would definitely not make the Third Elder feel better!
"You have seen that the third elder clearly wanted to kill me just now, if you want to expel Nalan Yue, then this third elder must treat him equally!" Murong Qing'er insisted.

"That's right, if you want to fire, you have to fire the third elder!" Feng Chu took a step forward, supporting Qing'er.

Followed by Meng Luolizi, Xiaoman and others, "If we can't be fair, then we'd rather drop out of school!"

"Qinglong Academy has been in the mainland for thousands of years, and it has had a great reputation since ancient times. If we can't be fair and consistent today, it will be considered that we entered the academy blindly!"

"Well said!!" Many students beside them joined their shouts one after another.

After all, the mainland is so big, you can't mess around there!
Murong Qing'er hooked her lips, everyone was outraged!she likes!
On the opposite side, Nalan Yue watched them do so well for herself, especially Murong Qing'er, she was really moved.

Qing'er, she purposely provoked the third elder, so that he accidentally killed someone, and used it to arouse public anger to demand that the academy treat them equally!
Yes, Nalan Yue's guess is right, that's exactly what she wanted!Because she knew that the academy would never expel the third elder, so she took a gamble!
As for the third elder, he regretted it the moment he made the move, which was obviously a trick for him!

The most stupid thing is that he is still trapped!
But under the watchful eyes of everyone, the third elder had no choice but to bite the bullet and explain, "Hugh, you're talking nonsense, this old man is just playing with you...uh, just kidding!"


Murong Qing'er was almost defeated by his shamelessness, if she hadn't been prepared, she might be lying on the ground now!
Feng Chu was almost disgusted by the old man, and stood up to stand up for the two of them, "Just kidding? Then can I say that Yueyue was just messing around with Leng Xi'er just now! Anyway, in the eyes of the third elder, no one is dead. Just kidding!"

"Yes, since it's just a joke, why should I be fired!" Murong Qing'er stared at him arrogantly, the old man, he's already fucking unhappy watching him!
"You nonsense! Nonsense!" The third elder's nose was twisted, and he almost jumped up. Finally, he looked at the group of elders who were watching the show, "Principal, Your Honor and all the elders, come and judge!"

(End of this chapter)

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