Chapter 848 The Witty Principal Nanfeng 2
"This..." The elders looked at each other in embarrassment, and then looked at Principal Nanfeng and Ye Wuzun. Seeing their expressionless faces, the elders didn't know what to do.

It is true that Nalan Yue wants to kill, but the third elder also wants to kill...

If there is no one here, they might just expel Nalan Yue, but now there are so many students watching!
They can't be too partial!
The fifth elder took the lead, "From my point of view, expulsion is unnecessary, but Nalan Yue must be punished. She really hurt her classmate!"

"I agree with the fifth elder!"

"I agree too!"

"And I……"

Almost the entire group of elders agreed with his suggestion, except for the great elder who kept touching his beard without opening his mouth.

"Grand Elder, what do you mean..." Fifth Elder nodded towards him, motioning for him to say something.

All of a sudden, the other elders were staring at him closely. After all, the Great Elder had a higher reputation than them all, and it was basically a certainty that he had spoken!

A complex light flashed across the eyes of the great elder, and a sly smile appeared, "You should ask Ye Wuzun and the principal..."

At the beginning, Ye Wuzun ordered him to go to Huaguo to invigilate the imperial city competition, and it was because of this girl... He couldn't be like them, foolishly convicting Nalanyue!
But the other elders didn't know, they thought that the Great Elder had been bought by Nanfeng, so they immediately scoffed at him with disdain.

The great elder couldn't help touching his nose, huh, this baby is originally a person of Venerable Ye Wu, okay!
Where did you buy it!
Even though the fifth elder was not happy, he still asked Ye Wu and Nan Feng, "Dare to ask, what do the principal and the venerable mean..."

Nan Feng didn't make a sound, instead he glanced at Ye Wu who was beside him. Like the great elder, he didn't dare to make a decision privately!
Ye Wuzun was expressionless, looking at everyone with long eyes, exuding a cold aura all over his body, but the midsummer of July clearly made people feel the coldness of winter.

His gaze inadvertently passed by from a distance, and those sneaky figures were still there...

Ye Wu clenched his hands again, a sense of powerlessness suddenly hit him, he wanted to protect her, but also didn't want to hurt her!

Alas... Nanfeng couldn't help sighing, he also saw those figures who seemed to be demons, did that person already know that Nalan Yue came to this world?

Shouldn't, shouldn't!

"Master Ye Wu? Principal Nanfeng?" Seeing that the two had not spoken for a long time, the fifth elder couldn't help reminding.

Ye Wu thought for a long time, and finally said, "She..."

As soon as a word was blurted out, a beautiful figure appeared in front of her.

The girl was wearing a blue dress, and the blood dripping from her arms dripped from the skirt, smudged like plum blossoms.

She seemed to be mocking something, the corners of her mouth were always light, and the smile couldn't reach her eyes. When Ye Wuzun saw her, he had already forgotten what he was going to say next.

But her voice sounded next to her ear—"There's no need to say anything, I, Nalan Yue, quit school by myself!!" It's much better to drop out of school by myself than to be expelled by Master himself!

Ye Wuzun was stunned, his body froze in place, his lips trembled violently.

She is standing here, the forest behind her, the blue sky, and even the birds seem to be her background.

Even Ye Wuzun could hear her voice in a trance, so unreal, but it was too late when he realized it!
 Come on, children of elementary school entrance examination students~
(End of this chapter)

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