Chapter 849 The Witty Principal Nanfeng 3
Nalan Yue's low voice fell into everyone's ears, "When I first entered Qinglong Academy, I was expecting and looking up, but after I entered, I realized that this place is no different from the prime minister's mansion and the imperial palace... "Nalan Yue was smiling, and the laughter made people feel pain in the bottom of their hearts.
She paused and continued, "Perhaps my analogy is a bit outrageous, but this is the truth! In my team, the survival bombs distributed were all fake, and I didn't call for help in time...Xiao Ziyu died trying to save me !" It is her responsibility and she will never shirk it!
Ye Wu's eyes turned cold all of a sudden, damn it, no wonder this girl lost control!
"Boss, don't talk anymore! Please, don't talk anymore!" Seeing her determined look, Murong Qing'er burst into tears again.

How much pain did her boss squeeze in his heart to say these cruel facts without expression!

Nalan Yue glanced at Qing'er, and didn't stop, but stared at the mentors around her, "Please tell me, who got the survival bullets from!"

All the instructors subconsciously lowered their heads under her fierce eyes, but no one dared to say anything!

Finally someone spoke, Nanfeng tore off Leng Xi'er from the arms of the third elder, grabbed his lapel, lifted him up, and asked harshly, "Tell me, what happened to Survival Bomb!"

Nan Feng's action completely made Nalan Yue understand that he was the one who sent the survival bomb!
The third elder panicked, suppressed the tumbling guilt, and looked at Nanfeng, "Principal, how could I send out a fake survival bullet...Will I disregard the lives of the students!"

"Why can't you!" Nalan Yue walked over, staring at him coldly.

"Nalanyue, don't talk nonsense. I sent them to the mentors below. What evidence can prove that I did it!"

Nalan Yue followed his wishes, curled her lips, and said coldly, "You mean Teacher Yunlu did it?"

"It must be her! She may be a spy sent by the Yun family to the academy..." The third elder thought she believed her, and tried to put all the responsibility on her!

"Third Elder, how can you say that about me!" Instructor Yunlu who rushed over after hearing the news, heard such a passage when he first arrived, and was immediately anxious and angry.

He clearly left the Yun family voluntarily, so how could he be a spy sent by him!
Nalan Yue couldn't listen anymore, and directly raised her palm to slap his wrinkled face——


well played!If Teacher Yunlu hadn't estimated the image of the teacher, he would probably be applauding at this time!
The third elder was grabbed by Nanfeng's hand, and received the slap forcibly. He couldn't struggle, and could only curse angrily, "You dare to hit me, do you want to die, you bastard... Ah, let go of this old man, old man You must kill this cheap hoof!"

The third elder was like a fish on the verge of death, constantly struggling under the control of Nanfeng!

But although Nanfeng is young, his cultivation is not inferior to the third elder, and now the third elder can't get away from him even with all his strength.

"So what if I hit you!" Nalan Yue said to him coldly, then raised her hand and continued to slap him.

one after another...

Compared with a human life, these few slaps are nothing!
"If old man Nalan Yue doesn't kill you, I swear I won't be human!!" Ahhhh!The third elder was so humiliated that he was almost crazy, and he opened Nanfeng's hand all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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