Chapter 853 The Witty Principal Nanfeng 7
He took out a fan from nowhere in his hand, and shook it coquettishly, "You can't say that... Nalan Yue hurt her classmate, but she was also punished by the Venerable Master. The wound on her arm Didn't you all see it!"

He deliberately emphasized the word "Valentine", and the corners of his eyes scanned the demons in the dark intentionally or unintentionally.

He is highlighting Ye Wuzun's ruthlessness towards her and completely dispelling their thoughts!

The fifth elder, the representative of the elders group, immediately took a step forward, "Oh! What kind of punishment is a broken arm? As a student of Qinglong Academy, you must abide by the rules of Qinglong Academy! Put her in the forbidden area!"

"I see who dares!" Nan Feng "slapped" the feather fan to death, making it clear that he wanted to protect Nalan Yue to the end!

"You..." The three elders were exhausted physically and mentally by this headmaster who obviously didn't follow common sense. It was obviously good for everyone!

Just as he was about to say all the words in his mind, Nalan Yue had already walked over, his cold voice resounding, "Before that, I said that I have quit Qinglong Academy! Why are you following your rules! "

"Boss, do you really want to leave?" Murong Qing'er followed up and asked.

Holding the small dagger, Nalan Yue glanced at Ye Wuzun. There was no gentle warmth on that expressionless face, and the bundled silver hair raised his indifference to a new level.

He doesn't care about his stay at all!
It doesn't matter... Nalan Yue gritted her teeth and nodded heavily, "That's right, I want to leave!"

Hmph, isn't it just a Qinglong Academy!After leaving here, she can still thrive, go to run her old business as a killer, and take care of the Asura Palace! !

Little did they know that when she finished saying this, Ye Wuzun's fingers had already sunk into the flesh, a little scarlet oozing out, and his face was tense and terrible!
Seeing that she had made up her mind, Murong Qing'er immediately said without hesitation, "Then I'll be with you!" The firm light in her eyes at this moment resembled the starry sky in Xia Ye.

Nalan Yue couldn't help but startled.

Feng Chu heard that she was leaving too, so she hurried over and stood beside her, "You have to take me away too!"

"Then we still have us..." Meng Luo and Li Zi walked over at the same time.

Since everyone is leaving, they don't want to stay here alone, and there are too many things for them to practice in the family!

In the end, even Murong Xiaoman and Murong Xuan hesitated for a long time, then left the team and followed them up.

"Why are you here to join in the fun, go back!" Murong Qing'er was furious when she saw both of them coming!

She has been with the boss since she was a child, and she simply understands that the boss must have her own plans. It would be nice to bring these oil bottles by her side, and now they are here to join in the fun!

"No, old lady, if you leave, no one will protect me in the academy. What if I get beaten up!" Murong Xuan immediately shook his head, and said what he said was extremely pitiful, as if he had been wronged so much. .

Those children in the crowd who were beaten by Murong Xuan almost burst into tears, who the hell dare to beat you!

No, no, just because of his name as the son of the number one family in the Chu Kingdom, they will be cowardly, okay? !
Seeing that he was pretending to be so realistic, Murong Xiaoman also began to win the pity of his cousin, "Cousin, woohoo, I am even more pitiful, I am a weak woman... No matter, I will go with you!"

Murong Qing'er almost looked up to the sky and screamed, one younger brother and one younger sister are both demon kings in the world, how can they pretend to be innocent and have no sense of disobedience! !
(End of this chapter)

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