Chapter 854 The Witty Principal Nanfeng 8
"You don't need to say any more, I'll leave alone!" Nalan Yue watched their eyes soften, she didn't want them to give up such a good cultivation resource because of her own reasons.

"Hmph, it's best for you to leave alone!" The Fifth Elder cast a disdainful glance at her, with a look of contempt, "Even if you leave, you have to cut off an arm yourself!" Otherwise, what will be the face of their Qinglong Academy!

Hearing this, Nalan Yue's expression was slightly gloomy, making it difficult to fathom what she was thinking at this time.

The Fifth Elder was happy for her to leave, but Nan Feng was not, and Ye Wuzun was even less happy!
Nanfeng hurriedly shot Ye Wu a look for help, Ye Wu sighed.

"This matter ends here!" His venerable's low and quiet voice silenced everyone, "I killed people, so come at me!"

Nalan Yue suddenly raised her head, at that moment she suddenly felt that Master was so tall! !Eyes are so sour!
Of course it's because the magic soldiers lurking here have left for the time being, and they are going back to report Ye Wu's recent movements to the lord!

Ye Wuzun lowered his eyebrows and pretended to glance at her inadvertently, with a hint of gentleness hidden in his eyes, but he frowned involuntarily when he saw the wound on her arm that had been treated by her.

Damn it, what I did just now was really too ruthless!

Ye Wuzun gently looked away, and asked the people present again, "Do you have any comments?"


How dare they have it!Even the elders dare not have any opinions!
Nonsense, with Ye Wuzun's power in the rivers and lakes, waving his hand is enough to summon countless strong men to work for him. It's true to ask for a magician for the three elders, but I'm sorry they won't take their own lives!

For a while, everyone remained silent, and such silence felt awkward.

Nanfeng couldn't help but glared at Ye Wu, this girl had agreed to let him deal with it, but now he came to steal the limelight!
Aww, and every time!
Ye Wu also gave him a look, and the rest of the soothing work will be left to you!

After all, even because of his coercion, there are still a lot of unconvinced evil, but as long as you give them a little sweetness, the situation will be reversed instantly!
Nanfeng sighed secretly, as expected, what he did was always a thankless job, he waved his fan resignedly, came out with a smile to be a peacemaker, and kindly looked at the group of elders who usually gave him headaches, " Alright, alright, don’t pursue this matter any further, after all, you are all responsible, right? Let’s burial the Third Elder generously, and it’s not easy for you elders, so from now on, we will give you half of the monthly resources!”

Ahhh, the flesh hurts!
"This..." The elders hesitated again, but they didn't have the stubbornness before.

Nanfeng looked at this group of people who were obviously overjoyed, but still pretended to be embarrassed, really ashamed for them!
Pack!Keep pretending!
If you have the ability, you refuse!

Of course, the elders of the elders group will not refuse, after all, who the hell is not stupid~ force, such good meat will not be spit out again when it comes to the mouth!
"Then let's not care about it for the sake of Principal Nanfeng and Ye Wu's venerable!" The second elder almost rolled his eyes with a smile.

In fact, his heart is like this... Third child, it's good that you died, otherwise, how could such a good thing come from!
The same is true for the Fifth Elder, "We elders still need to have some tolerance, forget it!"

But his heart is like this... If he knew it earlier, he might get more if he spoke more harshly!
 good night

(End of this chapter)

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