Chapter 855: Medicine Refining Competition 1
A group of greedy old men! !
Nanfeng cursed secretly, turned his face away, really didn't want to see their greedy faces!
Hey—the group of old fellows who insisted on driving Nalan Yue out of the academy and killing her had their moral integrity shattered!
Even the audience couldn't accept the speed of development!

Especially Leng Xi'er, who was pretending to be unconscious, almost jumped up from the ground, shameless, simply too shameless, why let it go like this, she is still injured all over!
Fortunately, Lan Xuan next to her held her down quickly, and whispered in her ear, "Be safe and don't be impatient, when the time comes, Nalan Yue will cry!"

Hearing this, Leng Xi'er gritted her teeth and swallowed her grievance, her tight eyes burst out with startling hatred.

Nalan Yue, I will repay you double for everything you have done to me today!

Originally thought that this matter had finally come to an end, but Nalan Yue walked straight towards the crowd.

"Forget what you said. Do you mean forget about my wounding Leng Xi'er, or about my expulsion?" Her neither humble nor overbearing tone made people's heart skip a beat.

Hearing what she said, Nanfeng suddenly had a bad premonition, he spent so much effort, maybe this girl still insisted on leaving the academy!
In that case, he would not only lose his wife but also lose his army, that would not work...Nan Feng immediately stepped forward, and said to her with a smile, "Of course, forget about both things! Student Nalan, everyone should take a step back." okay!"

"Not good!" Nalan Yue said coldly.

"..." Stubbornness!Nanfeng has a headache!

"We don't blame you anymore, what else do you want!" The group of elders, represented by the fifth elder, immediately shouted at her angrily, don't tell me this girl doesn't know how to accept it!

She almost killed the young medicine refining genius in the academy...

Although the Third Elder wasn't killed by her, she still has something to do with her... They all chose not to care about it, why is she so stubborn!
Yes, Nalan Yue should accept it as soon as it is good, but she is holding her breath in her heart now, and it makes her very uncomfortable to be up and down.

Heh, she dropped out of school voluntarily when she was asked to leave, and now she is asked to go back, these people are treating her like a monkey!
No return!

Nalan Yue coldly looked around at everyone around her, and finally her gaze stayed on Ye Wuzun's handsome face for a few seconds. Seeing his cold and indifferent look, the resentment in her heart increased a bit.

He simply took out some of the treasures in the demon mausoleum and handed them to Murong Qing'er so that they could take them back to hand in the task, then turned around and left without saying anything...

She admitted that she was indeed a bit childish and impulsive now, but she just couldn't control her grievance.

Obviously, she was still upset that Master hurt her!

"Boss!" Murong Qing'er tugged at her sleeves quickly, begging her to take her away, "I'll go wherever you go!" After finally finding her, she couldn't say anything. separated them!
Nalan Yue sighed, "Stop making trouble." Follow her to eat dirt?

"Don't forget, you are still the patriarch of the Murong family!" Nalan Yue added earnestly, if she quits school, it will definitely cause commotion in the family!
"Boss, since you know my embarrassment, can't you stay for me!" Murong Qing'er held her slightly cool hands, and the beautiful Danfeng eyes shone with reluctance.

Nalan Yue sighed again, but she didn't have the previous determination in her heart. She glanced across Qing'er's face, and looked at Ye Wuzun again as if inadvertently.

(End of this chapter)

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