Chapter 856: Medicine Refining Competition 2
In fact, Ye Wuzun felt the two successive gazes, his lips were tightly pursed, and his expression was as tense as a string.

Murong Qing'er noticed that her gaze was passing over her face and looking behind her, so she subconsciously turned around and looked, it turned out to be Ye Wuzun!
It's the boss's knot...

Murong Qing'er seemed to understand something immediately, let go of Nalan Yue, and immediately walked towards Venerable Ye Wu, saying as she walked, "My lord, you don't want any students to drop out of Qinglong Academy, do you?"

As long as Ye Wuzun asks her to stay, the boss will definitely stay, because no one knows how important Ye Wuzun is in the boss's heart!
Murong Qing'er was looking forward to his next words.

Ye Wuzun lowered his eyebrows, glanced at her faintly, and finally moved to Nalan Yue's face.

Sensing his gaze, Nalan Yue's heart beat like a drum, she clenched her fists and clenched her teeth, Nalan Yue raised her head fearlessly to meet his gaze.

Eyes facing each other, the sun is shining brightly.

She seemed to... saw a trace of a smile in his eyes, very shallow, very faint, like the surface of a lake wrinkled by the wind.

Calm was restored in the blink of an eye.

Quickly, Nalan Yue couldn't help but feel that it was just an illusion...

When she was immersed in her own world, Ye Wuzun's thin lips were slightly parted, and his low voice was so sweet that it made people's ears tingle, "Stay here, didn't you always want to be my apprentice? In the medicine competition, I... will wait for you!"

This is probably the longest sentence Nalan Yue has heard him say!
A total of 26 characters, plus punctuation marks, a total of... God, why do I feel so wretched, and I still count numbers!
Nalanyue couldn't help the redness of her ears, and stared at her blankly through the light air, wanting to say something but didn't know what to say.

In the end, she simply pursed her lips and responded with silence. Well, she admitted that the resentment in her heart seemed to have dissipated a little, huh, only a little!

Or forgive him...?
Just as Nalan Yue was about to raise her head, she saw a pair of gorgeous white boots with Qionghua outlines standing in front of her. She knew that they belonged to Master!

Damn, when did Master come?
She didn't even notice...

The corner of Nalanyue's mouth couldn't help twitching, her weird and cute expression for a few seconds was all seen by Ye Wuzun.

Nalan Yue stared at him for a few seconds, his pupils were as deep as the sea, calm and indifferent.

Ye Wuzun also squinted at her, his eyes slightly warm, and then passed by her side, a strand of silver hair gently brushed her cheek, and the elegant fragrance of Qionghua spread on her cheek, Can't help but make people's hearts rippling.

Nalan Yue was startled all over suddenly, like getting an electric shock, and she didn't recover for a long time.

Except in modern times, this was the first time that Master was so close to him!
Until her hand was touched by a big warm and dry hand, it seemed that something was stuffed in her palm, and there was something padded.

Nalan Yue finally came to her senses, she opened her hands and realized that a jade bottle was stuffed into her hands.

She will pull out the cork, put it under the tip of her nose and smell it, the fresh medicinal fragrance immediately fills the whole nasal cavity, just after smelling it, she feels that the veins in her whole body seem to have been combed, which is called a word - cool !

Uh, this is clearly a master-level elixir!It is countless times higher than the western medicine she refined!
With this medicine, I estimate the injury on her arm, and within half an hour, she will be able to play as good as before, and there will be no scars at all.

(End of this chapter)

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